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It took a week, but Ryosuke convinced the King to let him do it.

The only stipulation was that his force would only be of volunteers.

Touya and his dragon partner Nuri were the first one's on board. The old beastman had been a second father to Ryosuke since he was a pup.

His schoolmates like Tsuuki couldn't have volunteered fast enough.

A force of 700 men and women had come crowding around the Great Fortress, all of whom were eager to follow their Prince into battle.

Of the volunteer force were two humans.

Fredrick, a towering man who fought with a famed great sword.

Natasha, a mage most adept with light and healing magic.

A screech from above got the attention of the two.

Phoenix Stroud came down on her gryphon, still insisting on riding bareback on the beast.

"Are you two ready then?" Phoenix asked her friends.

Fredrick nodded, "I just find it strange to be going to war against Tetran... We might see some of our classmates from the Institution."

Phoenix's face softened, "Once again, you don't have to go. I'd understand."

Natasha cut off Phoenix, "No, we have to." She took a deep breath, "If we hadn't fled Tetran when we did, we would be locked up right next to Arthur and Galen." She closed her eyes, "I'm doing this for them."

"We'll get them free, we just need to deal with the mess in Eostrun right now." Phoenix closed her eyes, she wished she could be in two places at once.

"Where's Kieara?" Fedrick looked around.

Phoenix pointed to the front of the army.

Kieara was dressed in polished armor with the Shoukon crest on her shield. Her sword was also scabbard together with her shield. Her blond hair was tied up and she looked the part of an honorable knight while she gave orders to the beastmen around her in order to prepare to move out.

"They've got horses for you too, Kier wants you two to ride alongside her while the army moves." Phoenix explained, she looked to the skies, "Myself, Ryo, and the others will fly alongside until we get closer to the battlefield."

It took everything within Phoenix to not just rush headfirst to Eostrun. Ryosuke had been the one to talk her down from that ledge.

Promising her that he'd arrange forces to go along. Dolan had remained neutral in the conflict, but there were always conversations going on with the King and his council on whether or not they would join in.

Ryosuke had been quiet in all of these.

Until Phoenix returned, he wanted nothing more than to be there for his friend. The woman that gave Kieara the chance to go to Dolan and be with him instead of a continent across the Ethereal Ocean.

King Jiro and his council were stunned at Ryosuke's aggressive stand in the matters for Dolan to lend a hand for Eostrun. No matter what argument or discussion, Ryosuke didn't back down, insisting that he would lead the army if need be.

Jiro and Yuki were proud to see their son take such a passionate stand.

Proof that Ryosuke would make a fine King for Jishora.

Phoenix looked up at the sky, Ryosuke and Touya had taken flight with their dragons.

She adjusted the light armor that Ryosuke had fashioned for her, the twin blades at her hips were given a good refinement through Dolan's weapon smith. The gryphon at the pommel shone in the sunlight as she mounted up on the gryphon that had chosen to stay with her.

Fredrick and Natasha hugged Phoenix once more before heading to where Kieara was waiting with their horses.

Before Phoenix looked to the sky, she hopped off of the gryphon.

The beast was confused and looked down at Phoenix.

The woman took in the gryphon, a young beast that was half the size that Lionheart had been, but would no doubt continue to grow in the coming months and years. Already on his beak, the young beast had a soft scar across it.

"Where'd you get this?" Phoenix reached up to touch his beak, it was the first time she had really taken a look at the gryphon.

There was a low rumble in his chest, "I've got a few of my own too, I'm sure you've seen it." Phoenix gave a light smile, "You... I never got a chance to thank you for staying with me." Her gloved hand reached into the gryphon's plume and scratched at the spot there.

The rumble turned into a purr and the gryphon's tail behind him began to swish back and forth delight.

Phoenix sighed, "Where I'm going, it's not going to be pleasant." She eyed the golden gaze of the beast, "It's going to be chaotic and I can't make any promises on our lives." She said truthfully. "If you leave, I'd understand. You have a long life ahead of you. You've done more than enough when you took me from Isle de Luna to Dolan." She stepped back from the gryphon.

The gryphon snorted, shook his head, and then bent low to push Phoenix down on the ground so that the beast towered above her. Craning his head so that he looked down at the human.

Where you go, I go.

Phoenix nodded and stood up, "If you insist." She raised her palm out and the gryphon nudged his beak against it, "I stand by what I said before though, if you ever want to go, you can." She softly said the last part.

Once more then gryphon push his head to nuzzle against her chest.

"Alright then, how about a name?"

The gryphon seemed to nod his head once at the question.

Phoenix traced the scar at his beak.

"Duke. Since you're so keen for a fight." She said with a smile.

Duke let out a low roar in approval. 

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