Between Dreaming and Waking

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Queen Eiriell Elauthin Isilynor Stroud Elatoris didn't remember coming back to her room.

But she guessed that Lyra and Lynx had brought her here.

Eiriell could only remember falling asleep with tears in her eyes besides Phoenix's body. Eostrun's First Human King passed peacefully in her sleep the previous night.

She made it to seventy-two summers.

Sixty-one years of knowing each other.

Forty-six years of marriage.

Their children had taken after their elven heritage more, the two didn't look a day over their eighteenth summer still.

Eiriell only wished that the Werenluna had blessed Phoenix the same way.

She wished Phoenix was still here.

Eiriell disregarded the sunlight pouring through her window, instead pulling the cover over her head. Her nose burying into Phoenix's pillow that still smelled like the wild wind. The sheets that felt like a ghostly embrace around her form.

The Elven Queen fell asleep once more with tears in the corner of her eyes.

She dreamt that she was a girl again, astride Lionheart and with her arms wrapped around Phoenix.

The crazy child that would never fly with a harness and would often let go of the great gryphon's fur to better feel the wind with her fingers. How tightly Eiriell would clutch on to Phoenix every time she did.

And then they were dancing in Eostrun's Grand Hall.

Phoenix looked dashing in silver frock coat made from the Werenluna silk. The wedding gown on Eiriell always remained her favorite. She loved the way the fabric would twirl with her whenever Phoenix would spin her about.

The two whispering the words of their favorite song together.

Eiriell was taking tea in the practice yard while her councilmen and women were discussing a few matters. She'd watch Phoenix teach Lynx together with Wren in the way of the twin blades. Zilyana would watch in the shade, words of encouragement spilling from her lips to her grandson. Lyra would be with Ailduin, Valyria, and Orion, the King of Yggdrasil on a visit, and they would be practicing some magic together.

It reminded her of how her grandsire and grandmother had been.

Her council would smile at her and tell the Queen that they were done talking, a pretense to allow Eiriell to join the rest of her family.

Eiriell didn't want to awaken from her sweet slumber, unwilling to let go of these cherished times together with her love.

But as her father once said, time was inedible.

Before she felt the tendrils of the waking world take her completely, she stood on the grassy floor.

The pebbled shore in front of her.

A soft sunrise that had yet to chase away the night.

Sitting there was a young woman with dark hair and eyes as deep as the Heavens.

"Eiri." Phoenix said softly as she got to her feet.

This vision of Phoenix held her hand so warmly.

"Nix." Eiriell choked out, she wrapped her arms around her wife. "Come back to me. I can't do this without you."

They shared a moment of silence together, Phoenix breathed in Eiriell deeply before taking a step back to rest their brows together, "Yes, you can." She whispered, "You're supposed to be older than me, you know." She teased lovingly. 

"But you were always there." Eiriell breathed out, she shook her head, "You were there on my coronation, you were there when we brought back Yggdrasil, you were always there."

Phoenix leaned to kiss Eiriell's lips, "I'll always be with you."

"Impossible." Eiriell looked up longingly.

Blue eyes were alight with a chuckle, "Not impossible." She retorted.

"Must you always be so impossible even in my dreams." Eiriell huffed, frustrated tears at the corner of her eyes.

"This isn't your dreams, Eiri." Phoenix pointed out, she held on to her hands and brought Eiriell closer to the edge of the water. The sky above them began to lighten.

Eiriell looked up expectantly at Phoenix, "Then you can come with me." She meant to take Phoenix with her to the land of waking.

"I can't, Eiri." Phoenix smiled forlornly, "But I'll be waiting here for you."

"The Great Beyond then?" Eiriell looked around.

Phoenix shrugged, "Something like it." She smiled cryptically, her blue eyes dancing with a little secret that made Eiriell's cheeks puff up in frustration. Phoenix let out another chuckled, she leaned her head down to Eiriell's once more. Her deep blue eyes staring longingly into her amethyst gaze.

"I'll be here, in this place between your dreaming and your waking light. This is where I'll be until we can meet again in the Heavens above. This is where I'll be waiting. This is where I'll continue loving you."

"You promise?" Eiriell clenched her jaw.

Phoenix nodded, "I promise."

The two leaned into one another, the sky above them turning to day.

Eiriell Stroud Elatoris awoke with tears down her cheeks and her lips still warm with Phoenix's kiss.

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