A Crown for You

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Arthur Williams didn't believe much in fate. Not before Theoden. Not before going to Eostrun.

He conversed with their scholars and mage, some of whom had been alive for almost three hundred years. He learned how to perceive magic the way the elves did. How to use it like it was the air around him.

He learned about the relationships between beasts and their tamers.

He learned how Phoenix was the only human in recent memory to have assimilated with a gryphon beast core. How that explained her intrinsic connection with winged-mounts. It explained how she bonded with Quicksilver so fast to take her and her little brother out for a ride.

He learned how feel the Werenluna around him.

How warm Theoden felt when the two were connected together through the ancient forest.

Theoden confessed to him before the Heart of Eostrun – he admitted how he felt as if Arthur was fated to be his. That Theoden had gone all the way to Brilux not just for his country, but to meet Arthur.

To know Arthur.

To fall in love with Arthur.

His parting words to him was that he didn't think fate would keep them apart for long, that they only needed to just believe.

These were the thoughts that were going through Arthur's mind while following Galen furiously through the palace halls. They were making way to the Royal Chambers.

Arthur had refused Galen and made the decision to standby his longest friend no matter how crazy the scheme.

That's what they always did before.

There wasn't any reason to be different now.

Galen paused before they turned a corner, he remained quiet and shared one last look with Arthur.

Last chance to go.

Arthur steeled his resolve.

Galen nodded, his sword at his side while he motioned for Arthur to stay at the corner.

Galen managed six paces before one of the 14 guards posted within the Royal Chamber Hallway called out to Galen.

"Now Art!" Galen roared, from his sword he summoned a slash of fire to burn a path down the hall.

Arthur murmured a spell to himself, he focused his eyes on the four closest guards to Galen, a chilling hum of energy shimmered in the air and the four guards froze where they stood. Galen made quick work of his former allies, disarming when able, but not refusing the killing blow if it called for it.

With his out friend, Arthur called another spell to memory, a sphere of light surrounding Galen to protect him from the onslaught of swords.

"Intruders! Intruders! Protect the King!" One of the guards yelled, there was an echo down the halls in all directions of hurried footsteps.

Arthur focused on the stone floor, he closed his fists to feel the earth's enchantment in his hands and coaxed a wall of rock to erupt to cover their flank.

Galen focused another lick of flame to erupt from his sword, this time aiming the blaze at the bodies this time instead of trying to send it down the floor. Arthur focused on the fire that burned and fed it with his magic.

The guards screaming from the white intensity of the flame that the mage had conjured.

Galen stormed forward.

Arthur felt a presence in the air, the stone wall he erected behind him came crumbing down in a wave of sand.

Three Court Mages appeared with their wands at the ready.

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