Long Live

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Reinforcements were a day away.

A majority of the forces had chosen to wait on the surface for the arrival of Prince Rollin, there were even plans for a great welcome party for the Crown Prince. Leaving the patrolling to the dwarves of the reclaimed portions of the Great Thaig.

Phoenix on duties as the Officer-in-Charge of organizing the patrols beneath the surface. She stayed within the cavernous depths, watching and listening to the dwarven officers and citizens. Every day that passed without a proper offensive to reclaim the Great Thaig was fuel to the flame of gossip.

Endrim only wanted what was best for the dwarves.

The humans only want what comes from the Great Thaig.

Brilux was using this war as a means to write another page in their 'great history' which stems from the time of King Algernon.

That this civil war was never taken seriously and only a means for the Aldernad Coalition to claim glory.

The humans are selfish.

The humans are greedy.

The humans don't care.

Endrim Onyxarm cares.

"Tristan." Phoenix caught the man at the fire, it was day time above, "You need to help me lead our outfit out of this Thaig." The Thaig was still – more still than it had ever been.

"Why? We're only going to be coming right back here to help fight."

"Tristan, look at me." Phoenix looked her old friend in the eyes, "Belot has been gone for two days now. The dwarven patrols are nowhere to be found."

"I-Impossible, he wouldn't betray his country."

"He would never." Phoenix stated confidently, "Belot loves his country." This wasn't a betrayal to Kal Darom.

This was a stand getting ready to happen.

"You can't possible mean to – "

"Sergeant Howell." Phoenix stated more sternly, "You will take our outfit and set up camp topside near our ships."

Tristan swallowed, he closed his eyes and thought of all the battles fought in this foreign country in the name of righteous justice, "Aye, Lieutenant." He saluted stiffly, Tristan was able to push down the disheartening feeling that threatened to boil over.

Phoenix looked around the camp, her eyes looking at the buildings which housed displaced dwarves were empty.

The tavern that usually had at least a dozen soldiers relaxing after a hard day was empty.

"Don't bother packing up, get what you need and go." Phoenix whispered harshly, she began roughly pulling up men and women, a quick glance told them to remain quiet and to follow her.

Like the coming of daylight, each and every human that remained within the Great Thaig became aware of how the still air seemed to charge.

They were half-way to the floating platform when all hell broke loose.

"Go!" Phoenix roared to her retreating outfit of fifty once the arrows came whistling towards. With a flourish of her proper swords that her father had made, a great gust blew away the initial volley.

A mage much more adept with her magic came to Phoenix's side, conjuring a stone wall to rise from the ground to provide additional cover while they outfit scrambled for the platform.

"Who has their bow?" Phoenix looked upon her men, six raised their hands, "All of you set up a position to provide fire on the platform, use whatever enchantments you can to lay down cover. They're only firing arrows to avoid destroying the elevator because it's the only means to get to the surface quickly."

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