Small Comforts

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"Theoden, huh?" Galen said out of the blue.

Arthur appreciated the break in the silence, it was well into the night and they were served their meals of water and stale bread nearly hours ago. His hand played with the loose stone on the floor.

The brand at his stomach had become a neat pink scar. 

Beneath were empty vials of healing potions that Galen would receive from Ike whenever the opportunity arose.

"Yeah, he's... he's amazing. So free and yet grounded all at once." Arthur smiled wistfully, "He said he'll wait for me, before all of this... you know."

"What does your father think?" Galen was curious, Aidan Williams was a respectable Court Mage within Brilux on the verge of receiving a noble title.

Galen doubted he would get one now with all the things going on.

Arthur sighed, "He... wasn't too happy at first." His green eyes looked down at the stone floor, "It wasn't until I had published my journal on human and beast relations to the magic circles that he started coming back around. Saying how he was proud of me, no matter what." He thought back to more recent times. "It wasn't until I started teaching at Brilux that he actually came around to apologize for how he acted."

It took them nearly two years for Aidan to come to terms with his son's lifestyle.

"He said he realized that all that mattered was that I was happy."

Galen smiled, he had an urge to throw an arm around Arthur's neck, but the chains kept them on opposite walls, "I'm glad."

"And you?" Arthur cocked his head to the side, "I saw the way you'd look at Kieara in our youth, the headstrong types were always your cup of tea."

Galen let out a low chuckle, "I knew I lost out the moment Ryo came over with Nix after their class together." He sighed, "I'd never seen Kier light up the way she did around Ryo."

"And now?" Arthur tried to coax an answer from Galen.

The old Palace Guard gave a humorless laugh, "I've got a thing for strong women in general."

He thought of grey eyes that would look longingly over the kingdom while her dainty hands would carry a book.

How he hoped to one day call her by her true title – the True Queen of Tetran.

Galen winked at Arthur, the shared a warm smile.

It was a small comfort that was enough to forget about the cold confines of the dungeon. 

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