Heaven's Sword

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Eiriell Elatoris soared high on Liona, the two coming to a head with an enemy wyvern rider.

Like Folmer had taught her, the two maneuvered effortlessly through the sky. She was able to slit the throat of the rider who fell limply off of his mount, a rain of blood leaked from his body on the way down. Liona sunk her talents into the wyvern's hide, the beast followed his rider's fall from the clouds.

She didn't have time to head back to Eostrun, her grandsire took an escort back to the Great Elven City with Phoenix's family.

"The right flank isn't holding, I've directed forces to be rerouted from the rear to reinforce it." Folmer had his ruby eyes blazing, he looked down at the battlefield below him, "Aethel will be lost at this rate."

"How is the evacuation?" Eiriell asked, her hand twitched at her side for her wand while she watched an elven soldier be slain by a human bandit.

She wasn't surprised to see the bandits they've been trying to sniff out join forces with the Tetran Army – they already knew that Brilux was behind all of the unrest.

They only tried for a last shot at peace.

Peace that Rollin had managed to spit on, with his Father's blessing no less.

"Almost complete... but we lost about twenty citizens when an enchanted arrow detonated nearby."

Eiriell tightened her grip, "I'm going to the right flank, as soon as the retreat's been covered, we'll transition for the rest of the rear guard to whole the line while we get distance." She looked at Folmer, "How difficult will it be to escort these citizens to the closest city or town?"

"There's one that's about two-hour trek, we'll have to ensure a proper patrol party is set up to ensure the humans don't push further."

"I can stay back for – "

"I will, you need to return to the palace." Folmer cut her off.

Eiriell held the elf's gaze.

"I swore to be a protector and savior of the elven crown, let me do that much." Folmer announced, "You're needed in Eostrun, we'll do our best to hold this frontline until the rest of the reinforcements come."

It would take their ground forces at least a week to reinforce the 300 they had here already. Elnaril said that she would mobilize a company of winged-beasts that could make the journey in a few days from Eostrun. They had sent out the order to prepare to mobilize across all the elven cities and towns in Eostrun before the fated trip to Brilux.

A bolt of lightning erupted from the ground, the two managed to dodge it and Eiriell caught the human mage that had cast the spell. He was surrounded by archers that shot arrow after arrow into the elven forces.

Eiriell's lilac eyes shined in the sun, with her wand in front she focused on an incantation.

The air grew cold and the energy about her buzzed about her. She could feel the thrum of the magic beating in time with her own heart and eagle-like eyes scanned the battlefield, carefully taking aim. She could feel the Werenluna responding to her, giving to the Crown Princess of the Eostrun its rich energy.

From the Heavens, she rained down blades of ice on to her enemies on the battlefield below.

The choked gasps and sounds of what could be called a knife breaking down a carcass echoed across the enemy's side of the battlefield.

There was a rallying cry below.

Eiriell the Heaven's Sword. 

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