Matters of the Heart

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Ryosuke was amazed that it didn't snow in Brilux like the way it did in Dolan.

That's because it didn't snow at all in Brilux.

Exams were done for the first half of the academic year and classes were put on a week long pause to enjoy ringing in the new year.

Phoenix Stroud was fortunate this year to not have a roommate, which Phoenix had struggle with when her friends wanted to come over all the time. She would squint her eyes and simply state that the common rooms were intended for that.

But Phoenix would relent a few times, between her group's reputation for getting into fight that resulted in three expulsions, Ryosuke's loud personality and his insisting on hanging around all the time, and Phoenix's reputation for being Valyria's daughter – it was natural that there were curious eyes wherever they went.

Though nothing could compare to when Eiriell and Rollin walked anywhere together.

Ryosuke looked up from the common room on the first floor of the male dormitory. Their usual group was around, but a bunch of beastmen and Theoden were missing, and so was Arthur. They knew where they all went out to, which was to the skies to take their beasts out for a ride. Theoden offered to Arthur a chance to ride along. The scholarly mage couldn't pass up the chance and jumped on it.

Natasha shivered while she sat next to Phoenix. Phoenix took note right away and offered an arm to Natasha to warm her up.

"You're just like a Princess in the fairytales sometimes Nat." Kieara teased, she motioned to the fireplace and coaxed it brighter and warmer in order to fill the room.

"Thanks, Kieara." Natasha side in a soft voice while settled into Phoenix's side. The Stroud daughter continued her conversation with Galen and another beastman, they were talking about different sword techniques and counters while Natasha looked down with a blush on her cheeks.

"Is... does Phoenix realize?" Ryosuke leaned down to Kieara and Fredrick was within earshot as well.

"I don't think she does." Fredrick answered.

Kieara sighed, "I also doubt that Nix feels the same way." For a while, the blond had always thought that Phoenix harbored some sort of romantic notion to Natasha. She was always gentle when it came Natasha and always made sure she was taken care of. That every gesture had some sort of subtle undertone to it which led to deeper feelings than Phoenix might lead on or even realize.

But all of that changed when Kieara met Eiriell and saw one of the very few interactions between Eiriell and Phoenix.

"Do you think she has feelings for anyone?" Fredrick answered, Kieara simply looked at Ryosuke.

"I doubt it, Phoenix is more concerned about her studies right now." She mentioned off-handedly.

Fredrick chuckled, "One day, the matters of the heart will become a priority for her."

"And what of your matters of the heart, dear Fredrick?" Kieara lightly pushed Fredrick's shoulders.

His warm chocolate eyes glanced ahead, not at Phoenix, but rather what was tucked under her arm.

"I'm working on it." Fredrick simply said and then stood to his full height, "Hot chocolate before the dining hall closes?"

"Yes!" Galen stood up, "I bet we'll run into Theoden and the rest there, they should be about done."

Phoenix nodded and stood, she looked over at Ryosuke and Kieara, the two seemed to not be bothered to budge. "Let's go then." She turned her attention to the rest of the group and they began to file out. One of the beastman looked back and gave a sly look to Ryosuke.

The dragon rider glared until they filed out of the common room.

Kieara leaned up and planted a soft kiss to Ryosuke's cheek, her blond eyes twinkling in the fire light. A soft smile graced Ryosuke's lips, "I'm glad you're more forthcoming than some other people I know."

The blond giggled, "It's not terribly difficult." There was a noise from the stairwell, Prince Rollin had entered the room, the man on his way out.

"Oh, pardon my intrusion." Rollin stated politely.

Ryosuke chuckled, "You're not intruding on anything, we're just enjoying a quiet night after that exam hell."

"Yeah, I understand that." Rollin chuckled, "I'm actually about to meet with Eiriell to see if she'd like to get some hot chocolate before the dining hall closes."

"You better hurry then." Ryosuke gave a small smile to the Brilux Crown Prince.

Kieara waited until Rollin was surely out the door, "You don't really like him." She observed.

Ryosuke gave a weak grin while looking at the ceiling, "Eiriell and Reina are fine, I just get a gut feeling I can't shake with him." His topaz gaze found Kieara, "I've been meaning to ask, does Nix know Eiriell from before?"

Kieara shrugged, "Nix never mentioned it, but it really seems that way from time to time." She looked out at the fire, "I caught them talking in an empty classroom once, I was on my way to Olena's office after that fight."

"I regret not being able to see that one." Ryosuke joked.

"The infirmary let me go early and one of them mentioned that I should go talk to Olena before heading back to my room. They were working on Fredrick after to try and get him out of there fast too." Kieara remembered that day. "I was turning the corner and I caught Nix walking in with Eiriell. It was too quiet to hear what they were saying, but when I peeked inside... they were holding each other and crying. Since then, those two keep some kind of distance up, I don't understand why."

A rough hand went through his wild red hair, "Rollin, if I had to take a guess." Ryosuke let out, "It's no secret that he favors Eiriell, but that's like eighty percent of the Institution." He joked, "I just happen to be the twenty percent that likes you a lot."

Kieara rewarded him with another kiss, "I've seen the way Nix looks at Eiriell, it's special."

Ryosuke chuckled, "The same could be said when I hang out with Eiriell, she's always looking at your group – Nix specifically, and I can see it in her eyes how badly she wants to just come over."

"Why doesn't she?" Kieara asked, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

Ryosuke looked over at Kieara, "The same reason why I keep friendly airs with the Prince." He looked over at the fire, "He doesn't mind it if it's me, but I've noticed he's a bit tense when Phoenix is in the picture, Eiriell has noticed it too. And so does Nix." He sighed.

"Are you saying the Crown Prince of Brilux is jealous of a commoner?" Kieara challenged.

Ryosuke simply chuckled and leaned down to kiss Kieara one more time, "If I were in Nix's place and you had to give your attention to some random Prince for the sake of peace, then I'd say I'd be the jealous one. Without a doubt in mind."

Kieara sighed contently at the admission, "You wanna get some hot chocolate?"

"I feel like they'd be closed by the time we get there."

"I have a feeling Nix managed to snag us some drinks."

Ryosuke stood, her took Kieara's hand in his own, taking note the callouses that matched his own, "She is the type to do that." 

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