By Firelight

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Eiriell clutched on to Phoenix's hand when they first saw it.

The sight of a bedridden Theoden and Natasha tore at her heart.

But the two managed to contain the cursed flames from spreading to what was left standing of the Werenluna this close to the Narrows.

The elven healers were teaching the beastmen the beast way to counteract wounds and burns inflicted by the cursed black flame. Ryosuke was a tense simmer of fury at the sight of Theoden and Natasha in their current state.

Ryosuke ached even more at the loss of Quicksilver, a fine gryphon.

"The bastard, does he even realize what he's doing?" Ryosuke seethed.

He gathered around the fire with his old friends, a water satchel in hand while he glared into the fire.

The blockage within the Narrows was going to hold for now. Eiriell had sent word back to Eostrun of the current situation. She sent her fastest rider to the Elven Capital.

"He doesn't care." Fredrick heaved, he sat between Phoenix and Kieara, the two put a comforting hand on both his shoulders, "Before Nat and I fled Arcshire, there was so many rumors swirling around. How Brilux wanted Eostrun to submit to them. The nobles who were supposed to be stewards for their reigning villages and people were sucking the ones they were supposed to be protecting dry. The call to arms for this damned war put such a strain on our people, it was madness to expect the people of Tetran to march again to another war within a year of the last one."

His brown eyes looked up at Phoenix, "Nix, it's been so difficult since you left."

"It was like this in Kal Darom." Phoenix looked into the fire, "The dwarves grew tired of all the false pretenses of the Aldernad Coalition, they saw how we emptied their gold mines every time we reclaimed portions of the Great Thaig. How it seemed like we were holding their Queen hostage across the water and extorting her for gold in exchange for fighting her war."

The fire reminded her of the hellfire volley which killed her potential rescue from the Great Thaig.

Fredrick wrapped an arm around his friend, sensing her unease, "Nix, you're incredible. No matter how Kal Darom turned out, no one expected that outcome in the end."

Phoenix frowned, "That's the thing, I knew, my outfit knew, our dwarven allies knew. The only ones who didn't want to listen were the ones across the ocean here in Brilux." She remembered the closed-door conversations with Ritten. The two talking for hours on end on how to handle the battle turning out of their favor and against them.

Ritten had presented the findings to the Council and King Jerrick.

Their response was to simply wait for Rollin to arrive for the final offensive in the waning hours of the war.

"Ritten did so much to try and convince the Council in Brilux that things were turning out of favor for the Coalition."

"What do you mean out of favor?" Ryosuke narrowed his eyes, "You mean Jerrick knew? He knew that the dwarves were allying with Endrim in the end?"

Phoenix looked up, "It didn't make its way back?"

"No, Eostrun never caught word that the dwarven people were being restless. The only news we received was that Endrim was cornered and that there was going to be a final push to take back Kal Darom for good." Eiriell breathed out, she closed her eyes, "Nix..." She steeled herself for an answer, "When did the dissident start with dwarves and the Coalition?"

Phoenix stared at Eiriell and then her eyes snapped over to Ryosuke.

"It was at least three months prior to the end of the war, that was when Ritten and I started having those talks about what to do. The other officers within Tetran wouldn't listen, the elves couldn't even fight underground – not that they could help it, and the beastmen only sent troops, not generals to lead their efforts." Phoenix explained.

Kieara immediately went to Ryosuke, she whispered something in his ear to keep his temper from bursting.

Eiriell was uncharacteristically still.

Fredrick nudged Phoenix closer to Eiriell, his chocolate eyes glancing between Phoenix and Eiriell.

"Eiri." Phoenix called softly.

Eiriell let out a deep breath, "I can't. I just can't believe how despicable the Wolfsbane family is."

"The only one worth a thing is Reina from that family, the rest can rot in the deepest parts of the underworld. It should have been Rollin that died deep within the that fucking Thaig." Ryosuke seethed. He snapped his eyes upward, "And tell me, what about that story about him breaking through Kal Darom's siege?"

Phoenix looked up, a small smile on her face.

"How about I tell you from the beginning?" She thought back to a man she would still call her friend.

Ryosuke's nerves were calmed and Eiriell curled up against Phoenix's arm while Fredrick listened intently.

Phoenix started first by telling them about a dwarven man that would have done anything for his country – Belot Greyarm. 

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