Public Announcement

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Arthur approached the group after being the last to leave the room. Phoenix stood with the rest of their group of Natasha, Fredrick, Galen, and Kieara while they waited patiently for Arthur. Yesterday had been the last day of the entrance examinations and today was when they all found out the results.

Phoenix dressed in a short sleeve cream tunic with a pair of fingerless gloves on to hide the scars on her hands and wrists. The coastal breeze teased the short dark hair that was reminiscent of her father's while her dark blue eyes watched Arthur cross the field. Tucked at her waist was the hunting knife that Phoenix referred to as a good luck charm, which she still kept in pristine condition.

"I made it!" Arthur announced, Galen smiled widely while Fredrick and Kieara whooped loudly.

There were different variations of the practical exam, some by the beach, others out in the forest, and a few even in the Bladed Mountains – but gist of it all was the same, retrieve a magic stone and make your way back.

Galen was the only other one who had to fight another examinee who attempted to take his magic stone. Natasha and Arthur were together and worked as one to achieve their goals.

Natasha looked up at Phoenix who was much taller than her, "I guess we'll all be together for at least three more years then."

"A wonderful three years it will be." Phoenix grinned at Natasha.

Galen cleared his throat, "All right then, I think this is grounds for a celebration!"

"We can celebrate at my place tonight, my father bought a huge roast from that popular butcher in town." Kieara announced, Phoenix always that that she was like the sun with her shining personality that was impossible to ignore and yet her character was always warm towards her friends.

"I think it's fair if we all bring something so that we don't eat Kieara's family under the table." Phoenix announced, "But before that, let's go to the Palace Square, there's an announcement today."

"I almost forgot." Fredrick shrugged and followed along, he pushed up the sleeves of his tunic and walked with his hands folded behind his neck.

Natasha fixed the summer dress she wore, she nearly tripped over when she looked down but Phoenix offered a hasty hand to catch her.

"T-Thank you." Natasha muttered shyly while she held on to Phoenix's gloved hand.

Phoenix nodded, "Be careful Nat, wouldn't want you to trip on your own two feet again." She offered her arm to Natasha, the young auburn-haired woman took it and clutched gently at Phoenix's arm. She could easily feel the fruits of Phoenix's training effort.

"Funny how that only happens around Nix..." Arthur muttered. Galen shoved an elbow into Arthur's side for the comment.

Kieara rolled her eyes and shared a knowing look with Fredrick while Phoenix continued in front to lead them towards the Palace Square.

For someone as perceptive as Phoenix, the young woman was absolutely dense from time to time.

It was difficult to see in the square, Arthur offered the bell tower again, but Galen commented that it looked like the announcement was happening soon and that they would miss it by the time they climbed up it.

Plus, Kieara pointed out that the city guards would take post in those things whenever public events like this took place in town.

Thankfully, a stage had been erected through the use of some magic. A palace representative approached the crowd from the stage, the Brilux Palace shone brilliantly in the mid-day sun behind him. The representative placed a hand at his neck.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Brilux." His voice echoed throughout the entire square through the use of magic, at least they wouldn't have to worry about trying to hear what was being said.

"I present to you King Jerrick and Prince Rollin of the Royal Wolfsbane Family, bow before your King!" The representative boomed, from behind the stage was the gated entrance to the Palace. The King and human Crowned Prince arrived on to the stage.

Phoenix and everyone else in the square took a knee and bowed their heads in reverence to royalty.

"With them, the Crown Prince Ryosuke Shoukon of Jishora – hailing from the capital city of Dolan." The beastman Prince arrived on the stage with one other escort, Phoenix recognized him immediately as the dragon rider who was the beastman Prince that morning. Ryosuke and his escort had unruly hair – Ryosuke with a deep red while his escort had a mane of midnight purple, the most telltale sign of their beastmen lineage was the pointed ears that were folded down currently against their heads. The Beastman Prince wore the breath of the wilds around them well. He took in the crowds with a sharp topaz slitted gaze.

A murmur erupted in the crowd.

"And finally, the Crown Princess Eiriell Elatoris of Eostrun!"

A wash of silence took over the entire square. Phoenix tilted her head upwards once more from her kneeling position to watch was unfolding on stage. She caught Folmer right behind Eiriell, the Gryphon Guard Captain looked regal in his polished silver armor that bore an inscribed gryphon, his dark silver hair was up in a neat warrior's bun and his ruby eyes held a dignified air about them.

He paled in comparison to the Princess in front of him.

For only a moment, Phoenix saw a glimpse of the girl she once knew, Eiri with a carefree laugh and her amethyst eyes alight while she fixed the silk cloth of her dress within the shade of the Werenluna. And in the next moment, Phoenix Stroud saw Eiriell Elatoris for who she had grown to be.

Light silver hair that shone in the mid-day sun and danced lightly in the sea breeze. Her hair came down to her waist, and at the top were two braids that started from temple and looped to the back of her head while being pinned neatly down. The style accentuated her elven heritage of her pointed ears. Her soft skin reminiscent of fresh cream, skin that Phoenix remembered seeing glowing beneath a full moon. Her heart-shaped face was both smooth and sharp, the child-hood baby fat had vanished from her cheeks, making more prominent her pixie-like nose that pointed up slightly while Eiriell regarded the crowd.

Her lilac eyes burned with the intensity of a heliotrope blooming beneath the sun.

Similar to Folmer, she dressed in the same white, gold, and green colors with a sweeping white gown that was sleeveless and showed off her neckline and shoulders.

There was without a doubt that Eiriell Elatoris was indeed Elven Royalty.

Phoenix's dark blue gaze widened once the Princess turned to take her place near Ryosuke.

A white feather embedded in her braid at the back of her head.

"I think I'm in love." Fredrick let out in a whisper that Phoenix easily caught.

She did nothing to acknowledge what her friend said. She was still processing what she saw with the feather.

It's been so long...

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