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"They've closed off the portal."

King Jerrick grew cross at the report.

"What do you mean? Ailduin isn't stupid enough to do such a crass thing."

"The Beastman have too."

"Lies!" Jerrick roared, "What of the Coalition?"

"A letter from both countries wishes to just remain on neutral terms like before, they will honor the exchange programs we have in place and will allow anyone who wants to, to return home."

Jerrick grew cross, "Cowards and spineless whelps, the lot of them!" He spat.

"Maybe I could help, Father." Rollin stepped forward, "Eiriell and Ryosuke were my classmates, perhaps we could reach out to them that way."

Reina perked up at what her brother had mentioned, "They were as much my friends as they were yours." She thought back to the bitter reunion they all had around Phoenix's grave, mere weeks ago – sometimes it felt like yesterday.

The beastmen riders tried to remain stoic.

Arthur and Theoden silently holding hands while Arthur would whisper a story to Theoden about Phoenix.

Natasha unable to stop her crying while Fredrick held her, the massive man stone still with tears down his cheeks.

Galen had broken down in private, but in the face of his reunited friends, he remained a steadfast rock for them all.

Ryosuke and Kieara... you could feel that something broke in both of them while they stood over the grave.

And Eiriell, the woman who had to be carried from Phoenix's headstone because she fell asleep there late into the night. Refusing to move while she clutched to the bone hunting knight that Tristan left behind. Galen cradled Eiriell all the way back to the castle and tucked her in.

And now they were here, unintentionally bringing home a war from across the ocean. A war that was over now for Kal Darom, but the dying sparks of it were catching from where they stood. "They only ask for amicable relations between us, I don't see – "

"You wouldn't understand, baby sister." Rollin waved his hand at the air, "We need to ensure that they remain a part of this coalition for peace."

"I hardly see how forcing them to bend to our requests is required."

Rollin's eyes flashed, "It's to keep the two in check from potentially allying themselves and attacking Tetran."

Galen exchanged a silent look with Ike while the two stood at their post.

"They would do no such thing unprovoked."

"Dolan has Dragons that can level towns on a whim. Eostrun not only has a battalion of beasts but such an inane magical prowess. We need to make sure they're both on our side and follow our lead." Rollin explained.

"Such wise insight, you will make a fine ruler for this country." Jerrick smiled, he looked over at his daughter, "You would do well to learn from your brother."

Reina bowed her head, "Yes, Father." She had her strengths and weaknesses, most of all, she knew when to make herself as small as possible. 

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