One Last Time Together

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Ike Duron looked on at the procession – the ceremony lacked the usual pomp and circumstance.

The reason being that the new monarch of Brilux wanted to forgo all the frivolous ceremonies.

Queen Reina Wolfsbane of Tetran wanted to get to work quickly.

The Werenluna War had come to a close, General Ritten led their remaining forces back home. But the defeat of Tetran would never undo the damage done to the forest, the elves would continue to suffer.

But those who were tempted into using the Black Underworld Flame would be banished from the Gates of the Great Beyond – that was the price one had to pay for using such wicked magic.

There were those who didn't believe it, these were the ones who wielded the magic carelessly. Saying that it was simply a tale and that it wouldn't matter.

Ike supposed they would find out eventually, for now, he promised himself to never turn to such dark magic.

The High Bishop finished his words for the new crown.

Ike watched, the faintest of smiles on his face when Reina's grey eyes caught his.

The golden circlet was gently place on her head.

It was in that moment that the circlet touched her brow did a warm magic fill the room, the crown glowed proudly on her head.

All those in the room stilled, Ike included.

The magic fled the room as soon as it came.

At once, the High Bishop took a knee, he looked up at the Queen.

"Your coronation has been blessed by the Gods and Goddesses, unheard of since the times of King Algernon, Your Grace."

Ike thought otherwise though.

He knew that crown on the Queen's brow was christened by the one life of a man who loved her and this country.

There were a few more formalities afterwards, but they were kept short.

Because Queen Reina and her Royal Queen's Guard had a very important engagement in Eostrun.

Ike Duron bit back the swell within his throat.

The wooden casket of Galen Pike's body was heavy in his hands while he walked through the Great Gate that would transport them to Eostrun.

Arthur Williams was in the second casket, all those that made up the Queen's Guard were schoolmates from the Institution that had an undying loyalty to Reina and a good friendship with Galen. They were fortunate that they were able to recover the bodies of the two before the Council could do anything to desecrate their fallen friends.

Reina and her procession paused when they made it through the Great Gate – the beauty of Eostrun was breath taking.

But they could tell there was a muted tone to the Great Elven City.

Princess Eiriell and Prince Ryosuke greeted their procession.

Phoenix Stroud came next to Arthur and Galen, she sank to her knees and closed her eyes tightly while she touched both of their caskets.

Kieara, Fredrick, and Natasha would follow suit – the procession would leave the caskets on the smooth floor of Eostrun's Palace Grounds.

Reina would join Phoenix at Galen's casket, tears welled within her eyes and Ike placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Eostrun quieted for this brief reunion.

Phoenix was the first to stand, her blue eyes up at the sun – they still had a few more things to do before the night fell.

The funeral for the fallen.

Phoenix, Fredrick, Natasha and Eiriell lifted Arthur's casket on to their shoulders.

Ike followed them while Kieara, Ryosuke, and Reina lifted Galen's casket on to theirs.

Silently, they walked from the Palace Grounds.

Just on the edge of Eostrun was the log of a fallen ancient tree that was still alive, the bark of the ancient log had been smoothed and carefully carved into the wood were the names of many elves.

Galen and Arthur would be the first humans to have this honor – Eiriell had promised to Reina she would take care of these two.

Since they were labeled traitors to Tetran and refused a proper burial.

The ground around the ancient log that dwarfed the towers of Brilux was dug up, encased in gentle roots and vines were other elves in an eternal slumber from the recent war.

Gently, the caskets were laid and the lids were removed.

Fredrick had the honor of lifting Arthur from his casket and gently stepped into the soft earth of the Werenluna. The air hummed and the ground sang when the mage was laid to rest in the earth. The ancient forest responded and carefully encased its roots around Arthur, cocooning around him like a mother's embrace.

Phoenix took a moment to play with his shock of red hair. She couldn't help but notice how fitting it was to lay Arthur right next to Theoden.

Ike reached low for Galen, but caught sight of Kieara.

He motioned to her for the honor.

But Kieara grabbed his hand.

"Together." She simply said.

The two quietly lifted Galen and walked as one. The man was laid to rest next to Arthur.

Kieara smiled as she watched the roots encase itself around Galen, she leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead before stepping away.

Ryosuke closed his eyes, his mind wandering to their own funeral rites they would hold once back in Jishora.

Tsuuki and the other fallen beastmen were already sent ahead through the Great Gate – they would do their rites the following morning back in Dolan.

Phoenix walked the neat row that was dug into the ground along the collapsed ancient log. The faces of the elves varied between the young and the elderly.

General Gantar Gremalis was among the resting.

Eiriell stood before two peculiar cocoons of roots, sprouted around the Werenluna's cradles were an assortment of flowers and plants.

All were an assortment of lilac and amethyst and lavender, woven in were the royal colors of white and green and gold.

Phoenix reached out to Eiriell, tears in both of their eyes.

Elnaril and Chalia rested together, a smile on both of their lips.

"Gods, I only wish I was here when Grandsire and Grandmother passed." Eiriell whispered.

Phoenix held her tighter, "I know, I do too." She planted a kiss at her brow, "But one day, we'll be able to see them again." She said confidently.

Eiriell took a shuddering breath, "Are you sure?"

Phoenix smiled, "More than sure."

"Okay." The Princess let out in a shaky tone.

Later that night, the rest of the Elven Funeral Rites would take place.

And with it, they would lay a blanket of earth on top of the resting forms.

So that their earthly figures will live forever within the Werenluna. 

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