The Werenluna's Secret

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"It's a pincer," Wren Stroud pointed to the map that was on the table of the War Room within Eostrun's palace. He leaned over and moved the wooden pieces representing the different units. "They'll pull you in with the cavalry at the center here, and probably take advantage of the new clearings to move their foot soldiers on both flanks – but they'll do a wide maneuver to avoid being within visual range. The cavalry will do a swift retreat so that the archers and mages will lead the first few volleys and then the foot soldiers will rush in." He explained the strategy.

Elnaril nodded her head, "We can counter that by setting up a winged squadron here. We'll have our cavalry meet theirs to let them think they have the advantage and have the rear guard composed of our archer battalion..." She went on to explain the counter-maneuver.

Wren Stroud felt strange at first when he was asked to share what he knew of Tetran's military maneuvers.

But he relented when he saw that ash began to rain down on Eostrun.

Tetran had used a cursed flame to set fire to the Werenluna. Each time they would go out in battle, the humans would use the flame to burn down the battlefield.

Despite the Eostrun's best effort to contain and protect the trees, they were losing ground day by day. The cover and home advantage they had of fighting in the Werenluna Forest was being slowly chipped away at.

Valyria made mention that the elven people looked more and more worn down as the cursed fire claimed more of the ancient forest. They were only four months into this wretched war and yet the elven people looked as if they were fighting for years.

Eiriell whispered the secret to the longevity of elves to Valyria one evening. It was when the two were looking over old photos together. A brief reprieve for Eiriell who had returned for more council when it seemed a temporary stalemate had taken place on the front lines.

The Werenluna itself was the reason for their long lives.

It was beautiful to see how an entire race of people were so tied together with their land. How they honor what's taken each day. How the land gives its blessings back to the very elves that treasure it.

Only for a foreigner to come in and ravage the lands.

When the cursed fire surged, the Werenluna would fight back. Sending its terrible monsters and beasts that lurked within the shadow towards the scores of men and women that dare to defile it.

But Tetran was strong too, the monsters and beasts could only slow them down – but not stop what they were doing.

"I'll mount up for the next offensive." Eiriell looked at the map, the enemy forces were still a ways away from Eostrun. Based off of the army's movement, the humans didn't know where exactly the capital was located within the Werenluna.

But the cover of the forest meant nothing if they burned it all down.

"We need to send a contingent to protect the Heart soon." Elnaril glanced at the map. Her wonderful lilac eyes were blood shot and the former King had to walk around lately with a cane. No longer could she lead the forces from the front like she did mere weeks ago.

Ailduin looked up at his sire and then glanced over to Wren.

"I can leave." Wren turned to do just that.

Ailduin shook his head, "No, please, stay." He looked wry, "It's... I would like to ask you a favor." The King looked up with deep circles in his eyes.

"Anything." Wren stood straight before him, it reminded Eiriell of Phoenix whenever someone would address her.

"You and Valyria, with a few of my youngest soldiers, I want you to help protect the Heart." Ailduin pointed out a spot on the map which was north from the Great Elven City, "Even if everything should burn around, the Werenluna will remain so long as the Heart stands tall."

"Shouldn't you let your best protect that?" Wren questioned.

Ailduin shook his head, "Eiri tells me that she told Valyria of this... but the more that this forest burns, the more our elder elves will be effected." He closed his eyes, "We have to rely on our young to continue protecting our home the longer this war rages on. The longer they continue to burn down the Werenluna."

Elnaril nodded and sat down, it wore down on her to stand for long periods of time.

"Grandsire, please. Let me walk you back to your room with Grandmother." Eiriell rushed to Elnaril's side.

"That would wonderful, my dear Eiri." Elnaril stood, but nearly toppled over.

Wren was the one to catch the former King, "Please, allow me the honor to walk with you, your Majesty." He offered a small smile.

Elnaril let out a chuckle, "You certainly have more manners than your daughter."

Wren let out a light laugh, "She definitely got that from me. Val had to teach me to mind my manners."

Eiriell smiled while the three walked together.

King Ailduin waved his sire goodbye, he still had more meetings to attend to before he could retire for the day. 

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