Nix and Eiri - Again

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Fredrick and Kieara were sent to the infirmary quickly, Olena was in a closed-door meeting with the three perpetrators while Phoenix sat out in the waiting room of the Headmistress's office with Valyria, Reina, Ike, Galen, Arthur, Natasha...

And Eiriell.

Phoenix was content with sitting there in the awkward silence. Her mother had other ideas.

"Really? A fight on your first day, Nix?" Valyria's blue eyes were a storm and Phoenix could only sit there meekly, "Galen had grabbed me already, why couldn't you just wait?" She chastised.

Phoenix held her tongue and pressed her hand to her mouth, she knew better than to talk back to her mother when she was this pissed off.

"That student is claiming it wouldn't have escalated that far if you hadn't dove in." Valyria sighed out.

Phoenix looked up at her mother, "You know that they're full of it."

"She's right, Professor Stroud." Ike chimed in, "They were getting ready to pounce on Fredrick if Phoenix hadn't jumped in."

Valyria shot a sharp look to Ike.

"Mother, please..." Phoenix pleaded sheepishly, "We'll get this sorted out and I'll give the Headmistress my side of the story. But you saw Fredrick and Kieara, I didn't attack without good reason." Her cheeks burned when Galen sent a sidelong glance at Phoenix.

Valyria's face softened for just a moment, "Nix, I'm just worried about what they'll tell their parents... there's only so much the Olena can do to protect you from then." She said earnestly.

It made Phoenix's heart clench at the sight, "I'll be fine."

A polite cough, "Whatever complaints they would like to levy against Phoenix, it would only make sense to levy against me." Eiriell looked up at the Stroud matriarch, "I did cast that freezing spell that almost gave them frostbite."

Valyria thought back to the image she tried to erase from her mind, Phoenix prone and ready to take on the blow from two attackers. From the arc of their swords, they meant a hit that meant to kill.

She had a thankful look in her eye to the elven student, without Eiriell stepping in, Phoenix would sure be in the infirmary nursing wounds more egregious than her friends.

"Val, take those three to your office across the way. I want to speak to the other two directly involved and then I'll take the witnesses after." Olena motioned, Valyria put on a blank look on her face and escorted the three students to her office.

"Isn't it kind of cheating to leave those three alone with the mother of the one they tried to fight dirty against?" Galen whispered loudly to Ike, his sea green eyes were filled with mischief.

"Yeah, especially after they tried to attack when she had her back turned after doing the right thing by disarming them only." Ike stage whispered back loudly, his brown eyes also dancing.

The air went a bit cold, but Valyria continued to usher the three boys into her office.

Reina fought down a grin while Phoenix closed her eyes and stood to follow Olena into the room. The headmaster held the door open for Phoenix.

And Eiriell.

Phoenix took a seat at the far end while Eiriell sat closest to the door.

Olena regarded the space between the two.

"So, what happened?" She urged the two closer to her desk, a pot of warm tea was there and she was fixing two more cups for the two.

Phoenix sighed and moved closer, she began recounting her side of the story. She watched Eiriell from the corner of her eyes while she nursed the drink in her hand and sat primly in the chair.

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