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Hyunjin's POV

She look so shocked as she saw me coming near her. She is probably the classmate that my teacher was talking about. The new girl. Akari.

"Hi Hyunjin" Yzei greeted

I nodded "Why are you still here?"

"I just guided Akari-" Yzei


Yzei just gave an awkward giggle and nodded while Akari is not even looking nor answering my question. Wasn't that clear? The question is for her.

"I'm asking you"

Akari finally looked at me "I-I was waiting for the teacher"

I just nodded and entered the room. I sat on my designated seat and saw at the door that Yzei left quickly while Chan is talking to Akari. About what? It's not like Chan met her before and he is not that friendly to approach strangers first. The strangers approach him first.

"Who is that?" Jisung whispered while looking at Akari


"Ari? Her name? Japanese?" Jisung

"I think so"

Chan smiled at her and entered the room too. Then the teacher arrived and talked to Akari for a few minutes, they both entered the classroom while Akari stayed at the corner and our teacher went to the middle as she looked at all of us.

"I told you all about the new student, right?" she asked and everyone answered yes in unison "Introduce yourself" she told Akari

Akari bowed "I am Moon Akari. My Dad is a Korean while Mom is half Japanese. I have an older brother-"

"Is he handsome?" Hyein asked

"Can you shut up?"

She rolled her eyes.

"I do love going to museum or places full of arts. My Mom is a CEO of three companies, Dad owns Blue Moon Enetertainment while my brother is a lawyer. I hope I can be close to all of you" Akari smiled and bowed once again

Everyone gave her a clap except for me who knows her very well. Her family background is quite amazing. She came from a very rich family how come she is in a cheap priced place to stay? I wonder if she ran away or was kicked out of the house. Wait. If she ran away or was kicked out she won't be able to afford this school..

"Hyein? Can you raise your hand?" teacher said

Hyein raised her hand quickly "Can she just sit with me?"

"That's why you were told to raise your hand"

Hyein rolled her eyes again and glanced at Akari with a different expression this time. She is smiling widely as she welcomed Akari to sit beside her.

I can't believe this. My own sister acts like some saint in front of other people while act so annoyed in front of me. If I know, she will probably ask Akari to introduce her to any guys she knows which I won't allow. She can't have a boyfriend not unless she graduated and have her job.

"I hope you all will treat her nicely" the teacher said

"I thought Ari is her name?" Seungmin asked me

"Ari came from Akari" Changbin explained

"Lee Minho you are late" teacher

Minho bowed "I'm sorry"

"You can take your seat" teacher told him

Minho went to his seat which is beside Akari.


It's finally our breaktime. I didn't go to the cafeteria right away. I waited for all the students to leave the classroom and stayed behind to talk to Akari.

"Can you leave her alone?"

Hyein rolled her eyes "Fine" she hurriedly left the classroom

"I don't want anyone to know that we are roommates-"

"Same here" Akari

"Okay. My sister doesn't know about me living there. I want you to keep your mouth shut and don't talk about me or I will hurt you really bad"

Akari chuckled "Just so you know, I am not gonna waste my time talking about you. I'd rather spend my time in the library"

"Great then. I don't want us to interact if it's not important"

Akari rolled her eyes and left the classroom. How can she act like I am not important? Just wait and see. You'll know wo I am, Moon Akari.

I went to the cafeteria straight to my friends and saw them eating already. I started eating the food that Minho ordered for us. He won the bet yesterday and he promised to treat us today.

"Why is Hyein not bothering us today?" Felix

"She found a friend" Chan

"A friend that will give her a boyfriend" Seungmin chuckled that made them all laugh

"Do you want to die?"

I am not being overprotective just because that's the trend nowadays. I just want her to focus on the things she can enjoy before she enter a relationship. She is still young to have a boyfriend. Besides, we got into a fight back then for insisting to have a boyfriend. She hated it so she is not letting me know if she is dating someone. As far as I know, Felix likes Hyein which is not really good. I don't want to be in an awkward situation if ever they became a couple and broke up with the worse reason.

"Ya. She looks fine" Changbin

"She looks nice so no one will bet this time" Chan

"When we bet Hyunjin makinh Yzei fall. It was the worst idea. She didn't leave him alone" Jeongin laughed

"I think she has a boyfriend" Jisung said while looking at their table

I saw Akari talking to someone on the phone with a smile on her face.


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