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Hyein's POV


She chuckled as she saw me running towards her. I quickly hugged her as tight as I can.

"Thank you so much for last night"

"Hmm. I guess something good happened" Akari smirked

"Kind of"

"Did you two talk?" Akari

"Yes but not about us. Actually, it's like we tried to to get to know each other. He even drove me home and apologized for being late. I don't know what does that mean but I guess it's about him being late to come to my life. I am literally blushing last night"

Akari nodded "I see. I can see how happy you are. I hope your brother would let you and Felix. I will try convincing him too"

"Thank you!" I hugged her once again

We went to the classroom while I am clinging onto her arms. Yzei and her minions walked passed us and ignored us. Well, she must've been embarrassed for the scene she made the other day.

As we entered the classroom, Felix glanced at me and gave me a smile. I just shyly bowed and smiled back then both Akari and I went to our seats. Hyunjin wasn't here yet, I guess he went somewhere but I don't really care. He can take care of himself.

"Do you know someone named Aila?" Akari whispered

"Aila? Hyunjin's ex girlfriend's name is Aila. Why?"

She nodded "Don't tell this to anyone but she went last night to the dorm and talked to Hyunjin"

"What? How dare she?! My brother suffered a lot"

"I don't know why but I think Aila wants to talk to Hyunjin while your brother completely ignored her. I felt bad for her and tried to give them time but your brother lied about me as his girlfriend to Aila. She looks sad when she heard about it. She even tried telling me that she is the ex but Hyunjin said she doesn't deserve it since she cheated on him" Akari

"She really don't deserve it. Imagine she tried doing it with ny brother but Hyunjin didn't want to do it because he made a promise with her parents. He is not scared to have kids but he is scared that the trust her parents gave to Hyunjin might be ruined. She was introduced to the family and even though I don't like her I was forced to be nice to her always. Then Hyunjin found out that she had sex with another guy. Hyunjin let that one pass but she did it again. What's worse is, when Hyunjin called her she was having sex with the guy and Hyunjin literally heard her moaned"

Akari was shock from what she heard and pouted "I should've not pushed Hyunjin to Aila last night"

"Hyunjin was hurt and had a hard time moving on. He was planning to marry her sooner and has plans for the both of them but I guess the girl's lust really led her to cheating and lying. Hyunjin never showed us how hurt he is and he would always act like he is fine but he is not. That girl also approached me and begged me to let her talk to Hyunjin but I didn't let her. Hyunjin deserves better"

That girl is getting on my nerves.



"I'll buy for us. What do you want?" Akari

"Anything will do"

She nodded and went to the counter. I saw Hyunjin went to the classroom when our teacher left. He is late. I wonder if he cried all night but I don't think he did. He seems fine though. I just hope he is fine.

"Hi, Hyein" Jeongin smiled and sat with me


"Felix is in the garden. You should go. He is waiting for you" he said

I nodded "Tell Akari I will be back"

Jeongin just nodded. I hurriedly left the cafeteria and went to the garden part of the school. There, I saw Felix standing while his hands were both inside his pocket.


He gave me a smile "Your brother didn't saw you?"

"No. Why? Is something going on?"

Felix nodded "I just decided that we should follow what your brothers wants"

"You mean? You want us to stop seeing each other?"

Now this hurts too. I know he is friends with him but what the hell is that supposed to do with us? It's not like we are dating already.

"Hmm... Hyunjin will lose his trust if we will continue doing this. I want to gain his trust and talk to him. I want you to avoid me at all cost. I will find a way to talk to you. So don't worry" Felix


He hugged me tight "I will talk to him about us. Don't worry. I won't let him go against us. I don't want to do the same thing like what my cousin did. I want us to date normally without hiding. Can you wait for me?"

I sighed

He cupped my cheeks and smiled "Can you wait for me? I promise I only have you and I would never hurt you like what your ex did. So please... Wait for me"

"How can you make sure that you won't hurt me? Huh? As if-"

He kissed me.


"Now I will ask you for the third time" Felix

I just stared at him

"Can you wait for me?" Felix

"I can and I will no matter what happens"

My Annoying Roommate | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now