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Third person's POV

"He said he likes me but I don't believe him. I think he is playing with me" Akari said

Q was staring at the girl with full of confusion. He knows that Akari likes Hyunjin just based on how she is concerned with what Hyunjin shows her. He knows Akari wants to have a clear answer from Hyunjin and she would probably be clear with her feelings too.

"It was crazy. I don't believe him. He play with girls and was never serious, not even once. He did became serious but with his ex. I am also concern with him. I thought his ex was the reason why he suddenly never believe in love again. Damn. That's insane. That girl hurts him and everyone was getting played by Hyunjin. Did we ever asked Aila to play with Hyunjin for us to receive this revenge? He is so stupid" Akari felt tired of ranting and was about to fall when she lost her conscious and Q hurriedly caught her. He carefully put her head down to let her rest.

Q smiled and wiped her sweat "You are the stupid one. You kept saying that you don't believe him when you actually do" he sighed and put the hair behind Akari's ear

Hyunjin felt jealous seeing Q acting like a boyfriend to Akari. He entered the vip room looking so mad while his jaw tightens.

"Don't touch her" Hyunjin said and held Q's wrist to prevent him from touching her "You know Akari and I were in a relationship. What are you up to?"

Q smirked and stood up "She did tell me that you two were in a relationship but after a few minutes, her mind changed. She mentioned you two were just pretending. How jerk are you to involve her in a scandal when you just met her? I am her best friend I never fucking dared to drag her name to any scandal. You are not even embarrassed to face her? Then acting like you really have fallen for her. Don't confuse her"

"What is it to you?" Hyunjin glared

"I like Akari for a long time. I hope I am the guy she likes but fuck, seeing you acting like everything is fine makes me wonder, did you ever thought of her? Did you ever thought if she can handle the attention? If she can handle all the hates? Does she deserve those?" Q asked

Hyunjin rolled his eyes "I didn't know being such a talkative guy who loves interfering with others' business is part of being an idol?"

"Akari is my business. She is mine before you have her. I would take her back before you win her completely. I would never let any jerk take her away from me, especially you" Q glared

Hyunjin ignored him and carried Akari in bridal style and carried her bag as they left the vip room. He knows talking with Q won't do anything good. So he decided to left. They got in the cab and just gave the address to the driver.

He was staring at Akari's sleeping face. His eyes darted towards her face and was mesmerize by her beauty. He was mad earlier but seeing Akari now made it go away...

"I... I won't let him take you. I promise. I will make you happy and will protect you better than he does" Hyunjin whispered and gave a smile "You are really right. I have fallen for you before you does. Now I am scared. I can't even imagine myself begging for a girl to love me back. I never imagined myself to do cheesy things but fuck..."

Hyunjin knows he is willing to do everything for Akari to love him back. He wants to win her love so bad and be with her forever.

He carried her inside the dorm as they arrived. He put her on her bed and wiped her face with a cold water to sobber her. He even removed her heels and covered her with the blanket. He never does such thing to Aila before and he can't believe he is doing those to Akari.

His lips kept curving into a smile as he looks at Akari's face. He finds Akari cute when drunk and he is willing to watch her all night and won't get tired of it.

"I am really in love" he whispered once again and felt proud of himself being in love with Akari "Should I court you? Or ask you to be my girlfriend right away?"

Akari moved and hugged the pillow tight. He knows Akari won't hear what he was saying that's why he has the guts to say those things to Akari. His hands caress her cheeks and once again smiled.

"Fuck. What if you became my girlfriend? Am I going to see you everyday? Am I going to hear you saying you love me everyday? Am I going to receive kisses, hugs and cuddles from you? I badly needed that if you became my girlfriend" Hyunjin said and took deep breath as he covered her with blanket properly and stood up

"Hmmm..." Akari groaned as she is trying to gain her strength and successfully held Hyunjin's wrist

"Why? Are you okay? Do you feel anything?" Hyunjin asked and still standing

Akari pulled him that made him lose balance...


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