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Third person's POV

Hyein went to her room after talking with Hyunjin and excused herself while Hyunjin stayed outside to get some fresh air after what happened. He knows he is at fault for what he did.

"I'll go back inside" Akari said to Hyunjin

He nodded "Sure. Just be careful of them. I don't trust them"

"Seriously? You guys are blood-related and you grew up seeing them. You should rest too. I'll go home after-" Akari

"You are not going home. You will stay with me-" Hyunjin

Akari punched his stomach "Crazy! Why would I stay with you?!"

"I mean stay here tonight. The fuck is wrong with you? We stayed in the same room for days and you are still trying to look like some innocent girl who never stayed in the same room with me" Hyunjin

"Still" she rolled her eyes

"Go back inside" Hyunjin said

"Before I go inside, I want to tell you something" Akari said and faced Hyunjin as she rolled her eyes "You... You should know your limits. I mean you are really a jerk and everyone knows about it. Still, you have to be careful because not all can withstand that attitude of yours. You saw Hyein earlier. She was trying to stop herself from saying something about you but she failed. She can't take it anymore. So, be careful, okay? If you have any problem well you shouldn't involve those people around you. You are not the only person who has a problem. Bye!" she smiled and hurriedly went inside

Hyunjin was quiet as he knows Akari has a point. He knows Akari is telling the truth about him being insensitive. He acted all jerk and everyone started hating him for doing such.

Akari bowed to the Hwang family "I'm sorry. I just talked to Hyunjin. He is outside getting some fresh air while Hyein went to her room" she smiled and sat on the chair

"I'm sorry that you have witnessed this mess" Inyeop said

"No, it's fine. I'm used to this kind of situation but not my family" Akari gave them a sweet smile

"When did you and Hyunjin met?"
Rina asked politely

"We are classmates now but uh..." Akari was thinking what to answer since her answer and Hyunjin's answer might be different from each other

"We met in an event before" Hyunjin said and sat beside her like nothing happened earlier "Her Father is the CEO of Blue Moon Entertainment which is a friend of the CEO of my agency"

"Ah, in an event? Was it a runway show?" Rina asked

"Something like that but only professionals were invited and I happen to meet Akari who is the representative of Blue Moon Entertainment" Hyunjin explained and gave Akari a very sweet smile which he never showed anyone

Akari felt weird and made a disgusted face but only to Hyunjin.

"Was it love at first sight?" Rina giggled as she felt how cute the two are especially Hyunjin who doesn't believe in love

"I guess so" Akari answered and smiled at them but then she realized she wants to take revenge on Hyunjin "Hyunjin fell with me first"

Hyunjin looked at her like he was shock with what she said.

Akari gave him a smile and pinched his cheeks "Right, Hyunjin?"


After the dinner, they all decided to rest since everyone is busy the next day even Inyeop's fiancé. Akari is in Hyein's room looking at the photos of Hyein when she was young. There is also a photo of her with Inyeop and Hyunjin. The three looks like they are really close but Akari was confuse why Inyeop and Hyunjin doesn't get along now.

"Ah, Hyein" Akari called and sat on her bed "My brother is a lawyer and I asked him for help about your ex-boyfriend. I just thought I needed to ask you to participate in the  investigation" Akari said hoping she would say yes

Hyein looked away and felt uneasy.

"We are not pressuring you. You don't have to worry. Take your time. Just don't forget you have us. We are always by your side, so don't be scared to seek for the justice you deserve" Akari gave her a smile

She took a deep breath and looked at Akari "W-What do I need to do?"

"Just participate whenever my brother asks you something about what happened" Akari answered and felt relieved knowing that Hyein is finally facing what happened back then

After Hyein told Akari about what happened, she gave her the medical proof of her that she was beaten by her ex-boyfriend. She also gave her the photos of the wounds and bruises she had before. She cried and felt less scared knowing that she is not alone at all. Hyein went to sleep after while Akari is still awake.

She covered Hyein with blanket "Good night" she gave a smile and went to the balcony then she noticed Hyunjin at his room's balcony which is beside Hyein's "Why are you still awake?"

"I don't know. I'm not used to sleep here. How about you?"

"I talked to Hyein about her ex-boyfriend. She will participate with the trial and investigation. My brother would handle the case"

Hyunjin felt happy hearing that Hyein will participate now.

"Thank you, Akari" he looked at Akari and gave her his most genuine smile "For everything"

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