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Hyunjin's POV

My phone kept ringing for almost 30 minutes now. It's not that important but Aila wants to talk to me for what I said during the live interview.

"Hyunjin" my manager called

"When will my contract end?"

"What do you mean? Do you want to end the contract already?" he asked and showed me the paper "You still have 2 years"

"I am supposed to pay if I will end the contract already, right?"

My manager sighed "Why do you want to end the contract? Is there any reasons? We are not forcing you to work. If you don't want that certain brand, we are letting you decide whether to hold a photoshoot or not. You have your freedom in our company. You are also the best model in this country. Every brand wants to work with you. Why do you want to end the contract? You will be popular in other countries too"

"I just wanted to work and being popular is not part of it. It was not my intention to be that popular and you guys don't even want to let me go. I want to have a private life now that I am protecting-"

"We are right" the CEO of the modeling agency I am suddenly entered "You are protecting that girl and you suddenly want to end the contract"

"I am not going to deny. So yes... I want to end the contract because of her. Is that enough reason? I am willing to pay anyways"

"Hyunjin, someone is looking for you" one of the staffs said she entered the room "Aila"

"Let her in" the CEO said

Aila entered with her manager. Her eyes look like she just cried before she went here.

"Why did you ruin Hyunjin? You know you are in the same agency. What do you want to happen? Do you think we will protect you for lying?" CEO asked

"Then are you willing to let Hyunjin ruin my career just to protect him?" Aila asked

"Will you stop? You started it. You told the media first. You fucking started it. Why are you playing the victim here? You should be thankful that I didn't reveal anything about what you did. You should really be thankful that I am still being kind to you"

Aila chuckled "You are really insane. You are doing all of these for that girl. She is the reason why I told the media about it. She is the reason why is this happening! She stole you-"

"She never stole anything. You gave me a reason to give up our relationship and you fucking deserve that. If you went here to apologize I would've decide not to reveal anything but here you are acting like a fucking selfish woman. Hilarious" I chuckled and took my things with me as I left the office. I got in the service car and it drove to my dorm.

She is really crazy. I thought she will apologize but seeing her acting like a bitch really makes me go fucking insane. She is even blaming Akari for what she did. The fuck. Did Akari told her to fuck other guys??

After a few minutes, I finally arrived at the dorm. I went to our room and saw no one there. Akari is not here, only Kkami is here.

"Where is Akari?" I asked Kkami

I looked at my wristwatch and it was 9:53 pm already. It's so late for her to stay out. She knows there is curfew hours here. Where the hell did she go?

calling Hyein...

"Hyein, are you with Akari?"

[No, she went out with her friend]

"Her friend? Who?"

[Q, her best friend who is an idol]

"Do you know where?"


"Send me the address now" I ended the call and took my phone and wallet with me as I ran downstairs. I also heard a message was received from someone.

"Hyunjin, it's late. There is curfew-" landlady

"I know. Can you wait for us? I will pick up Akari. She went somewhere" 

I didn't let her finish and just left the dorm. I rode the cab and showed rhe driver the address. He said he knows the place since only rich people enters that bar- BAR?! WHAT THE FUCK.

We finally arrived at the said place and I paid him the fare. I went inside and saw rich people inside. They do look rich and some of them were famous. No wonder this is off limit to other people.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" he asked

"Q, an idol. We agreed to meet and he is waiting for me"

"Oh, yes. This way" she said and led me to the vip room "This is the room" she left

I opened the door slightly and saw drunk Akari ranting to Q about random things. She is fucking wasted.

"Everyone knows we are in love with each other but they didn't know both me and Hyunjin hate each other" Akari laughed

Q was quiet and was watching her as he listen to her story.

"Do you know what's crazy? He is confusing me. I am always jokingly asking if he likes me already but he would answer me no. Then last night..." Akari sighed and drank the alcohol

"What about last night?" Q asked

"He said he likes me but I don't believe him. I think he is playing with me" Akari

Damn. I am fucking serious when I asked last night. I really like you.

And I am willing to give up everything to be with you.

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