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Akari's POV

I woke up as I heard my phone's alarm. It alarmed five minutes early than the usual time I woke up from Hyunjin's alarm. I always do that to wake up Hyunjin and I am sure-

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

I didn't notice when I woke up but the hell. Hyunjin is glaring at me, crossing his arms like I did something wrong with him.

"What are you staring at?"

"Can't I? Q even did the worst" Hyunjin rolled his eyes

"What do you want?"

"Nothing" he once again rolled his eyes

I went to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I just did my morning routine, wore my uniform and went out. I saw Hyunjin still not leaving the dorm.

"Why are you still here? Were you waiting for me? I see-"

"Shut the hell up. Can't you just move fast?! You are so annoying" Hyunjin ignored me and looked at his phone

"Why are you so sensitive? I was just teasing you"

"Then don't tease!" he shouted

Gosh. I didn't even do anything. I was just about to tease him but he is getting mad already. He is so sensitive for something that's not even started yet.

"Your phone kept ringing! Can't that be put in silent mode!?" he shouted again

I didn't say anything and just looked at who was calling me.

Q calling...


[Are you busy?]

"Not really. What's wrong? Are you on break? Don't you have any schedule today?"

[I do have a schedule today but I called you to ask if you are okay to go with me tomorrow.]

"Go where?"

[Just anywhere. Are you fine with it? After class]

"Sure. I can go with you"

[Then I'll see you tomorrow]

"Yup! See you!" I ended the call and turned off my phone "I'm excited- Ya! Why would you glare like that?"

Hyunjin is glaring at me. I thought he is playing on his phone but what the fuck? I thought he is going to kill me for a second. He is really scaring me today.

"Who called you?" Hyunjin


"When I talked to you early in the morning you kept getting mad at me! Now that guy called you, you are in a good mood. What the hell is wrong with you?!" Hyunjin angrily shouted

"What the hell is wrong with you too? You are seriously scaring me"

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and left the room. Both Kkami and I were confuse on how he acted towards me. What the hell did I do with him?

I just put my makeup on and tied my hair into a ponytail "Bye Kkami!" I kissed him and left the room. As I went downstairs, I saw Hyunjin waiting at the living room on the main floor while playing with his phone.

"I thought you left?"

Hyunjin stood up and put the cap on me "Let's go"

We both left the dorm. I kept following him even though I know this is not the way to Skz University. He is so annoyed that he is not even glancing at me at all. We look like strangers walking with each other.

"Are we going somewhere-"

"Can you not ask me?" Hyunjin said

Oh my gosh. He is getting on my nerves. The last time I checked we are fine. I don't know why the hell did he started getting mad at me. We stopped in front of an ice cream shop and he started ordering.

"I want cookies and cream"

"I didn't ask you" Hyunjin

"Then why the hell did you bring me here for?!" I annoyingly took out my phone and read some messages

From : Aiden

Did you meet with Q?

From : Aiden

He said he can't reach you.

To : Aiden

We already talked earlier.

"Here" he said and handed me an ice cream

I looked at it and it's cookies and cream flavor. Oh, so he is trying to make me not get mad at him? Does he thought ice cream can fix what he did? Of course, this is ice cream. It can fix anything duh.

"Thanks!" I said and walked beside him and started eating ice cream "Are you okay? You seem bothered about something"

"Yeah" he answered and was eating ice cream too "Uh... Akari"


"Who... Uh..." Hyunjin

"Are you okay? What do you want to ask?"

"Who c-called you?" Hyunjin

"Earlier? Q called me"

Hyunjin nodded "Ah, I see"

"Are you jealous?"

"What?! Why would I be jealous of him? He doesn't seem to be the type of guy you will date" Hyunjin

"You mean?"

"I mean he is famous. You don't probably want to be the main topic of an issue" Hyunjin said

I nodded and chuckled "Yeah, you are right but Q is not that far from my type. He is nice and treats me well. He is really kind to my family and loves them more than he loves me. I like that kind of guy"

"Really? You like that kind of guy?" Hyunjin

"Well... Yeah"

"Okay" he answered and continued eating

As we arrived near the school, there are medias outside and kept asking some students about us. They don't seem to stop no matter what happens.


"Give me your hand" he said

I gave him my left hand without any doubt "For what?"

Hyunjin intertwined our fingers!!!

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