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Third person's POV

After a long drive, they finally arrived at the place of Hyunjin's family which he never visited for more than 3 years. He will just go there if ever he needs his car or he needs to get something in his room.

"You are really having a lot of surprise" Akari whispered as she was amaze of the mansion in front of her. She is rich too but Hyunjin is really unexpectedly richer than anyone she knows.

"It's more than 3 years since I went home" Hyunjin said

"Let's go. I'm excited to meet your family" Akari said and hurriedly got out of the car

Hyunjin looked at the place he left for almost 4 years. He once told himself that once he left the place he would never come back and spend time with the people living there. He would go there if his family wasn't there. He doesn't want to act like a jerk and be disrespectful to them. He rather avoid them than have some drama.

He got out of the car and went to Akari "You really that excited?"

"Of course. I want to see what kind of personality they have and try to look the difference between yours and them. That will be a really big surprise if ever you didn't take after anyone of them" Akari chuckled

She pulled Hyunjin with her and dragged him inside like he is forcing him to come over her own house. She knows Hyunjin will have a hard time entering the house since a lot happened and it kept bothering him. She also knows that Hyunjin doesn't want any kind of drama that's why he wants her to come with him.

"Hyunjin, it's been a long time!" the oldest maid greeted whom took care of Hyunjin and his older brother for a long time "How have you been? You look really busy with school that's why I never get to see any new photoshoots of you"

Hyunjin smiled and nodded "I'm trying to quit the job and just study until I graduate and have a stable job"

"You do have a good mindset but don't be too hard on yourself. You should rest too" she said and smiled as she was amaze of Hyunjin's mindset then she glanced at the girl beside Hyunjin "Are you Hyunjin's new girlfriend?"

Akari chuckled awkwardly and shook her head "I'm Moon Akari- "

"Who came?" a woman asked as she got out of the kitchen

"Hyunjin and Akari, his girlfriend" the maid answered with a smile

The woman smiled at Akari and bowed "I'm Lee Rina. I'm Hyunjin's-"

"Stepmom" Hyunjin answered and rolled his eyes as he put his hands inside pocket looking around "Where is Hyein?"

"In her room" Rina answered

Hyunjin ignored her and went to Hyein's room. He knocked a few times and Hyein opened it knowing it was Hyunjin. Her excited face showed up as she thought it was Inyeop but her smile faded as she saw Hyunjin at her door.

"Are you seriously going to avoid me?" Hyunjin

Hyein stayed quiet.

"Akari is downstairs" Hyunjin said that made Hyein's face lit up and hurriedly went downstairs leaving him "Seriously. She didn't even greet me. She is more excited to see her than me. I hate them both"

All went to the kitchen as the dinner is already prepared. Hyunjin's Father came too and welcomed Akari with a warm hug and smile, making her feel like she is part of the family. Rina, the stepmom, kept taking care of Akari as she found out that Hyein is friends with her and helped her a lot, making her feel like she is her daughter.

"You guys didn't wait for us" Inyeop said as he entered the kitchen with his fiancé. His fiancé bowed and greeted everyone with a very genuine smile "How are you, Hyunjin?"

"Happy not until you showed up" Hyunjin whispered

"You never changed at all" Inyeop chuckled as he misses his brother's very annoying personality and it's been years since they saw each other "You are probably Hyunjin's girlfriend?"

Hyein secretly laughed.

"She is" their Father answered

Akari introduced herself both to Inyeop and his fiancé. The dinner went well and everyone seems love to see Akari being herself and acting like they are all close friend which is they love the most.

"What's your plan, Hyunjin?" his Father asked

"Nothing" he answered

"The agency talked to us and said you are not working and not accepting any offers anymore. Is something wrong? Aila also-" Rina

"Have some respect. My girlfriend is here. Why would you bring her up? Besides, the work is not important. I want to graduate and leave so I can see Mom" Hyunjin said

Their Father sighed that changed the whole atmosphere. Everyone became quiet as they knew their Father is disappointed in Hyunjin who disrespected Rina for a lot of times like he doesn't care about her.

"Can you just pretend to be nice to Rina in front of the food?" his Father said

"I'm not that type of person" Hyunjin

"Aren't you embarrassed to act like a jerk in front of your girlfriend?"
his Father

"She should know what kind of person I am. Also, she should know the reasons why I became the person I am today. Right, Akari?" Hyunjin smiled at her playfully

Akari whispered to make him stop

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