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Akari's POV

I woke up when I heard my phone rang...

Aiden calling...


[Can you send me the photos last time? I forgot to tell you]

"Okay. I'm sending it to you"

I ended the call and sent him the photos we took when we went to the mall. He went with me that time to buy the things I need for my new place. We took a lot of photos and he told me to send it but I forgot. After sending it to him-

Where am I?

Fuck. I forgot. I am in Minho's- MINHO'S ROOM!!! I looked at the place and it looks really nice. He did so well designing his own room. He has photos on the side table of him and his parents.

I hurriedly went to the bathroom and took a bath. I did my morning routine because I don't want to talk to Minho looking like a damn zombie. I wore my clothes and put a light make up so I can leave right away.

I went downstairs and saw the maids cleaning

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I went downstairs and saw the maids cleaning. They all greeted me with a smile on their face.

"Is Minho-"

"He is in the kitchen" one of them answered

I nodded and went to the kitchen. I saw Minho cooking something. I sat on the chair and watched how attractive he is to cook.

"You're awake" he said

"How did you-"

"I sensed it" Minho answered and walked towards the table and put the food he cooked "Have some breakfast before I drive you-"

"I can go home. I also need to go somewhere. You don't have to drive me home"

"Alright but eat first" Minho

Actually it's a good choice to let hime drive me home. It's a time for us to be alone, talk and get to know each other but fuck. I don't want him to be late just because he drove me home.

"Where are your parents?"

"They left first. I will follow them after you leave" Minho said and started eating

I nodded and started eating as well "Who told you that I have a boyfriend?"

"No one. We just thought you have a boyfriend" Minho

"Ah, I never dated anyone"

"Really? Why?" Minho

"I am not ready to commit. I mean I am not really scared but I just think it's not time yet. I want my first boyfriend to be my last"

Minho nodded "Some does have the same mindset as you but not all first will be your last"

"How can you say that?"

"I had the same mindset before but ended up breaking up with the girl for some reason. Now I am just waiting for the right girl instead of looking for my soulmate who never arrived" he chuckled

"I don't believe that everyone have their soulmates. Everyone can be anyone's soulmate. It's your choice who to end up with. Also nowadays people were not into soulmate things, they just want to end up with someone who has future plans and would never thought of cheating"

He nodded "I doubt that. I'm okay if that girl doesn't have plans yet. We are still young and not everyone who has future plans can be successful"

He is good with such topic. Why am I even arguing with him?


"You can just park here" I told the driver and handed him the exact amount of the fare

I got out of the cab carrying both of my bag, the one is for school while the other one is where my clothes were. It's Saturday and some were probably going out or going home to their family but not me. I entered and saw some people at the living room like they were waiting for their friends.

"Akari?" the landlady called

"I'm sorry I didn't go home last night. I forgot to tell you"

"Huh? You went home last night. I saw you" landlady

"I stayed at a friend's house"

"Then who was that?" landlady said

"I need to go. Thank you" I bowed and went to the second floor carrying my bags. I saw some people there at the living room and greeted me as well. I wonder who the fuck pretended to be me or entered the room? And Hyunjin didn't noticed? That's impossible.

I opened the door and no one was lying down on my bed- What the fuck? A girl was sleeping on Hyunjin's bed covered with the blanket and only her head can be seen. Hyunjin wasn't there. Who the hell-

The door of the bathroom suddenly opened. I quickly got out of the room without making any noise and ran to hide somewhere. Who the hell was that? Hyunjin is probably inside. Oh my gosh. Did he do it with that girl? It's a good thing that I didn't go home or else I am tortured.

The door opened again and the girl left. She is a different girl from the girls that Hyunjin talked to, yesterday and the other day. Oh my gosh. He is so crazy. Can't he give my area some respect? Why would he do that there knowing that I am staying there? I hope my bed is fine. He is so digusting. Did Kkami saw what they did last night? My gosh. Poor dog.

That girl doesn't seem familiar but she is wearing the same uniform of Skz University.

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