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Third person's POV

The day goes by and finally their classes for today ended. Everyone left the school including Hyunjin and Akari. Good thing there is no media at all outside and they can go home together.

"Akari" Hyunjin called before they go out of the University

Akari looked at him with a confused expression on her face.

Hyunjin put the cap on her again "We have to make sure"

She just nodded and they both walked to the University. Akari is busy playing games on her phone while Hyunjin kept glancing at her from time to time. He is aware that he is falling for her as the time goes by and the more, he spends time with her, it kept making him more attached to the girl without noticing it.

As they arrived at the dorm, everyone just greeted them with smile on their faces. Everyone knew about the news about them getting married but none of the people in the dorm talked about them to other people. They would always defend Akari and Hyunjin every time someone talks bad about them.

They went inside their room and did their own thing. Hyunjin changed his clothes in the bathroom while Akari carried Kkami while eating chocolate from Hyunjin's side of the fridge.

"He won't get mad, right?" Akari asked the dog

Kkami just stayed quiet.

"How's your day, Kkami? Mine is the worst. I mean not really the worst, since I met my brother today. I thought he will ask me to bring him here but good thing he didn't or else I am dead if he find out that I lied
" Akari pouted and brought Kkami to her bed while still ranting "Your owner kept confusing me. He said he doesn't like me but he kept making me feel that he likes me. I think he likes me though. I'm not just sure"

Little did she know, Hyunjin was eavesdropping in the bathroom and kept smiling from how cute Akari is, when she is ranting to Kkami.

"You're right. I really think I like you. What should I do now?" Hyunjin whispered and sighed

After Hyunjin changed his clothes, he opened the tv and played a movie for him to watch but he didn't expect Akari to sit there and watch too without changing her uniform at all.

"Aren't you going to change?" Hyunjin asked

"Should I?" Akari asked back

Hyunjin just sighed and shrugged his shoulder as an answer.

"Alright" she answered and went to the bathroom with her clothes

Hyunjin made sure Akari wasn't there anymore. He calmed himself and took his phone to call someone and ask for help from what he is feeling right now. He is blushing whenever Akari talks to him and he thinks he is getting worse.

calling Minho...


"H-How was your day?"

[Are you seriously asking? We were together the whole day. What the fuck is wrong with you? Stop saying nonsense and just tell me what's wrong]

"Should I?"

[What is it?]

"How d-d you find out that y-you like A-Akari?"

[I just knew. Why?]

"I think I-I like her"

[Seriously? Are you dumb or what? Why the hell are you asking for my advice when I like her too. Damn it. You are lowkey hurting me, Hyunjin]

"Whatever. Don't spill anything" Hyunjin said and ended the call quickly. He next dialed a friend who is really close to him

calling Jisung...


"I like Akari. What should I do?"

[Kiss her?]

"What the fuck?!"

[Just kidding. Let's talk in the group chat. Bye!]

He ended the call and was confuse why Jisung suddenly mentioned the group chat.

But then... As soon as he opened his phone, his eyes widened from what he saw.

Jisung sent a message to SKZ U's F8

From: Jisung

Hyunjin likes Akari. He is asking for an advice.

Hyunjin turned off his phone as he felt annoyed of Jisung who revealed what they talked about. He sighed but then he noticed Akari got out of the bathroom wearing some comfortable clothes.

"You okay?" Akari asked

"Yeah, let's watch" he said and just played the movie again

Hyunjin kept biting his lower lip as he felt nervous that one of his friends might reveal it. He doesn't want anyone to know about it but Jisung the friend he trusted the most revealed it in their group chat.

"Aila revealed that we are dating and I cheated on her" Hyunjin suddenly opened out of nowhere

Akari looked at him "Really? She must've been jealous of me. I know that feeling though. You know if she is running after you, that means she feels that you still have feelings for her. She thinks that you guys can still be together"

Hyunjin became quiet that made Akari quiet too. They both watched the movie while eating some snacks that Akari took out from Hyunjin's fridge. Hyunjin knew Akari kept eating his foods but he never complained about it.

"I don't love Aila anymore" Hyunjin

"So? Why are you suddenly bringing that up?" Akari asked him

Hyunjin was dumb founded and pulled himself together "Nothing. I just thought-"

"I don't really care, Hyunjin. I didn't even ask you. Are you okay?"
Akari said and giggled and looked at him while analyzing his face "Don't tell me... You are falling for me?"

Hyunjin didn't feel nervous and stared at her "What if I am? What are you going to do?"

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