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Third person's POV

"I still remember how many times we lost hope when Akari got into a car accident. She was in a comatose and we thought we wouldn't be able to see her"
Akari's Mom opened up

"She was in a comatose?" Inyeop asked

Akari was confuse for a moment. She never heard of it, not even once. Her family never mentioned anything about being comatose. She just knew that she had an accident but she was fine after.

Hyunjin noticed her "Are you okay?" he asked

She nodded and smiled "Yeah"

He knew Akari is not fine. He noticed it when her parents suddenly talked about her being in a comatose. After a dinner with both of their families, Akari's family decided to go since they have work the next day.

"We'll go now" Akari's Dad said

Hyunjin's parents walked Akari's family outside to watch them leave while Akari, Hyunjin and Hyein were left at the dining room. The three were eating but Hyein noticed Akari's face.

"Are you okay?" Hyein asked her

She nodded.

"You were in a comatose? Really? How come you never told me" Hyein pouted

Akari just giggled a little with her cute reaction but deep inside she was confuse. She doesn't know what really happened. All she knew is her parents won't lie about her being in a dangerous situation in front of other people.

Then, she suddenly ran outside to follow her parents and saw them was about to get in their car. Hyunjin's parents were confuse why Akari suddenly showed up in front of them.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Akari asked her Mom

Hyunjin's parents said goodbye and went back inside as they noticed Akari is a bit serious when she wants to talk to her family about something. The family was left there and her parents were confused with Akari.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked her

"I was in a coma? How come I don't remember? If I don't remember, I know you guys will tell me" Akari

"What do you mean? You knew about it"
Akari's Mom

"I don't-" Akari

"Stop fooling around, Akari. We told you about it. You even kept asking about what you missed when you were comatose" Aiden

Akari took a deep breath and started crying "Why I don't remember anything?"

"Does that even matter, Akari? You are fine now. That's what matters" Akari's Dad

She shook her head a lot of times "This is not fine. I-I'm scared that I will slowly lose all my memories. I'm scared to lose every memory I have today"

Her family became silent and knows that Akari has a point. How come she doesn't remember anything? What if the doctors missed something and that may cause her to death? That scares them even more.

"For now, have a rest. Enjoy this night. We will pick you up tomorrow to have a checkup"
Akari's Dad

Akari nodded "I-I will be fine, right?"

"Hmm. You have to be fine" Aiden told her as he wiped her tears and hugged her tight "You'll be fine. I promise"


The dinner finished and everyone went back to their room, including Hyein while Akari went to Hyunjin's room to have a conversation with him after their awkward day that happened and the kiss thing.

They are at the balcony watching the stars...

Hyunjin held her hand "I... I really like you. I know I am confusing you and kept making you feel like I am playing with you but I am not. Actually, I know, me, being straightforward right now about my feelings will make you think that I am playing with you. I am just grabbing this opportunity to confess and I am also scared that your best friend will have you instead"

"I'm sorry for doubting" Akari whispered and smiled as she held his hand tight too "I also think I am starting to like you the more I get to know you but I am sacred and kept changing my mind, but seeing you and hearing you being sincere makes me wonder..."

Hyunjin looked at her.

"Why am I even doubting? When you seem sincere in the first place. I think I am the problem here" Akari chuckled

Hyunjin faced her and cupped her face with both of his hand "I am not rushing you but I will make you feel and will remind you that I love you, every day, forever"

Akari suddenly remember about what she and her family talked about "I am not just scared to lose everything that happened when I first met you. I am also scared to forget how I feel towards you"

"Stupid. If you love me, you won't be able to forget me or the feelings you have for me" Hyunjin

"Hyunjin... What if you lost me? I mean what if we part ways? What I forget you completely? What if there is no chance for us to be together? What are you going to do?"
Akari asked

"I won't let that happen even if we woke up in different worlds. I will find you no matter what happens" Hyunjin

"What if that is impossible to happen?" Akari

"It's never impossible, Akari. I will look for you. I will make sure to make you remember me every day, you want to know why?" Hyunjin

Akari looked at his eyes

"... because I love you a lot"

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