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Hyunjin's POV

I know it is crazy but what can I do? I can't help it. I know I am slowly falling for her. I think that's bad. I can't fall for her. I think she was right when she said I will fall for her before she do.

And that scares me.

"You all shouldn't be here. This is a University. Can you all leave? I already answered your questions last time" I said as I was trying to protect Akari from them. I know they want something from Akari and I know about Aiden helping my sister gets justice is also an issue to them.

"Are you using Akari to have justice for you sister, so Akari's brother will help you?"

I don't know but that made me stop. It wasn't my intention and will never be my purpose to use Akari to have justice for Hyein. That never came to my mind. Not even once.

I can feel my blood boiling as I heard such question. I looked at who asked the question and was about to punch him but-

Akari held my hand tight "Can we go?"

I nodded at her and we both entered the University, leaving the medias outside. No one knows about my school and no one revealed about it since my agency is respecting my privacy. I wonder if Yzei revealed it. That girl.

"I would never use you-"

"I know. I'll go first" she smiled and walked to our classroom first

I know it won't affect her at all since we are just pretending to be dating but... Why do I feel like I need to explain? Why do I feel guilty for letting her hear such question? Argh.

I followed her to the classroom and saw her talking to Hyein. Everyone was staring at me but I ignored them and went to my seat.

What's wrong with me?


(Break time)

Our first two classes finally ended and it was time for us to have our break time. I am not really in my right mind earlier and I kept looking at Akari the whole time. I just feel like I needed to fix things.


She looked at me "Hey"

"Let's eat"

"Your treat?" Akari

I nodded "Yeah"

Akari clung onto my arm "Let's go"

We both went to the cafeteria. Everyone is staring at us like we are still the main issue. Can't people date? Also, I cleared the accusation of me cheating on Aila. My agency confirmed that Aila did tell everyone that I cheated on her which is nonsense. If she will continue doing this, I will literally spill everything to the media. She should be grateful that I am still thinking of her career and trying not to ruin it but she kept giving me reasons.

Akari and I can't go with others, even with our friends because sooner or later the medias will look for them and ask them for information about what they know. I can't involved other people here. This is a mess my ex made and I should be the one cleaning this out, not harming anyone especially Akari.

"I'll order for us" Akari said and took my card from my hand with a smirk on her face

I just sat and let her order for us. I kept scrolling my phone and saw a new article. 

Hyunjin's ex girlfriend, Aila, made a statement about her side

It is true that the two broke up already but Hyunjin dated Akari right after. She also added that she never cheated on Hyunjin and he is the one who cheated on her. The two were fine but Akari is trying to bother her by posting photos and captions that is indirectly referring to Aila.

What the hell? She is lying right now. How can she lie? Was it  because I spilled that she has something to do with our breakup?

From : J****** Agency

We should hold an interview to clear things out.

To : J****** Agency

Yes please. I would like to clear our names.

"Are you Hwang Hyunjin?" a guy- Wait. He is Moon Aiden.

"I am. You are Moon Aiden, right? Akari's brother?"

He nodded "Where is she?"

"Have a seat. She ordered-"

"Why would you make my sister order for you?" Aiden asked and sat in front of me

"She volunteered-"

"Aiden? What are you doing here?" Akari asked and sat beside me

"I just visited. What's wrong?" Aiden asked

Rina said Aiden seems nice when he met him. He is polite and kind to them, especially to Hyein. He even took care of them and made sure the case will not lose. But why the hell do I feel scared just seeing him?

"I-I am Hwang Hyunjin, Hyein's older brother and Akari's-"

"Boyfriend" Aiden finished what I was saying "You are dating my sister without telling me? You probably know what a brother feels like when you are dating his sister without permission? You have a younger sister"


"Then why didn't you ask me first? How am I supposed to trust you now? If the first level you disappointed me already" Aiden

Why am I scared for nothing?

"I apologize but-"

"I told him I will tell you but I forgot. Besides, stop acting. You are scaring him" Akari chuckled

Fuck. He really scared me. Who wouldn't be?

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