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Third person's POV

After an hour, they finally arrived at the mansion. Akari was confuse and kept looking around why the hell did she end up there?

"Why are we here?" Akari asked

Hyunjin shrugged his shoulder and got out of the car, followed by Akari and Hyein. She is still confuse and kept doubting that Hyunjin doesn't know. He really doesn't know why his Father suddenly told him to go home and bring Akari.

"A surprise for the both of you" Hyein giggled and went inside

Akari looked at Hyunjin "You really don't know why?"

"I don't" Hyunjin said and reached out his hand to her "Hold my hand"

"Why would I?" Akari

"Why shouldn't you?" Hyunjin sarcastically asked back and intertwined their fingers

"Ya! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Akari tried to remove it but she failed since Hyunjin is holding onto her hand tightly "Let go-"

She didn't finished what she was saying and Hyunjin dragged her inside the mansion. She tried to resist failed to do so. Hyunjin is stronger than she knows.

"Cute" Hyunjin whispered as he noticed Akari trying to remove his hand

"Akari! Welcome back!" the maid greeted her

Akari bowed and smiled "Y-Yeah... Uh-"

"They are all waiting for the both of you in the dining room" the maid told them

"Thanks" Hyunjin smiled and dragged Akari again to the dining room. He never planned to let go of her and been enjoying them holding hands. 

As they entered the dining room, both Hyunjin and Akari were shock to see who were there. She can't believe what she was seeing right now.

"What are you guys doing here?" Akari asked

Her parents and brother were there, eating dinner with Hyunjin's family. She kept looking at them and waiting for an answer for her question but they just laughed at her reaction.

Hyunjin bowed as a greeting and gave them a smile "It was nice meeting you all. I am Hwang Hyunjin"

"We know you" Akari's Dad smiled

"Sit down, both of you" Hyunjin' Dad said

They both sat down but still confused why were their families were eating in one table without them knowing. They don't even know how they met and had a communication. How did they come up with the idea? How they  planned to have a dinner without telling Hyunjin or Akari at all? The two kept looking at them awkwardly.

"We agreed to have a dinner after the interview you made" Inyeop started

Hyunjin finally came to realization "The interview?"

"Yeah, you said you want to marry Akari. So we should talk about it now" Rina smiled

Akari started coughing and that made her drink water afterwards "Marry? Uh... We are still young for that"

"You two are in the legal age now. Shouldn't we take action soon? Or it'll be too late. Besides, you two seems in love with each other and can't even let go of each others' hands..." his Dad giggled

Akari hurriedly let go and looked away "You guys don't understand. How can we marry each other if we are not even in a relationship?"

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked

Akari signaled Hyunjin to explain them since it was him who started all the mess that is happening to them now.

"We are not really in a relationship. It was an act. Both Akari and I never see each other more than friends. I mean maybe close friends, you can say. We are not in a relationship. I was pressured and I know everyone will make an issue about me spending time with a girl I am not in a relationship. I'm sorry for making this big" Hyunjin bowed

Akari was hurt when she heard the word friends or close friends. That they can't be more than friends. She doesn't know why but Hyunjin did lowkey hurt her.

"Your interview" Inyeop

"What about it?" Hyunjin

"You said to be honest you see yourself with Akari in the future. What does that supposed to mean? Was it an act too?" Inyeop asked

Hyunjin was put to hot seat as she noticed everyone was staring at him waiting for him to answer. They all want him to clear what he means in his interview.

"Should we eat now?" Akari asked taking Hyunjin out of the awkwardness. She also can't hear if Hyunjin will answer that he doesn't really mean it. If she will wait for the answer, she is like torturing herself.

"Whether you guys are in a relationship or not, I think you two should end up together" Akari's Mom

"Mom" Akari called to prevent her from saying anything

"What? I am telling the truth. Shouldn't you two end up together? I mean you two look good together and seem really fond of each other" her Mom

She stayed quiet out of embarrassment that her Mom put her. She kept eating like she can't hear anything at all.

"Do you two like each other?" Hyunjin's Dad

Hyunjin started coughing this time and drank water as he tried to avoid the question.

"It's obvious, Dad" Hyein answerd and chuckled

"So they like each other?" Akari's Dad

Akari looked away from their gaze and avoided the question desperately just like what Hyunjin did earlier.

"If you two like each other. Is there any progress between you two?" Hyunjin's Dad

"You guys don't have any idea. There is really interesting happenings between them" Hyein chuckled

Just like that, Hyein lowkey revealed it.

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