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Felix's POV

"Felix? Are you leaving already?" Mom asked

"Yeah, I need to meet Hyunjin"

"Okay, take care. I'll see you later"
she smiled at me

I hurriedly left the house and drove away. I dialed Hyein's number to ask for Hyunjin's address. Actually, it was only my plan to meet with Hyunjin and never told him about it. I just want to talk to him about something.

calling Hyein...

"Can you send me the address of Hyunjin's dorm?"

[I thought you knew?]

"No, I don't. I am not familiar with it. I just went there once"

[Alright. I'll send the address. Wait.]

I didn't talk and waited for her to send the address. A message was received and it was Hyein. I inserted the address in the map and let it direct me to the dorm where Hyunjin is.

"I received it. Thanks"

[Why do you need it?]

"Just for something. Anyways, can you get ready in one hour? Let's meet"


"Yup. Let's meet"

[Alright! I'll see you at the same coffee shop]

"Hmm. Bye. I need to go" I ended the call before we even talk for a long time

It's always like that whenever we are doing a phone call. We would both end up not ending the call and will talk for too long. Maybe because we both wanted to talk to each other more which we can't do in school.

I arrived at the dorm and got out of the car. I went inside and saw some students at the living room. There is also an old woman who is in the same age as Mom.

"Looking for Hyunjin?" she asked

I nodded "Is he-"

"Please write here" she gave me a paper that looks like a record for visitors

I wrote my name, age and number then Hyunjin's name as the person I am visiting. The landlady must've been keeping them safe and if ever something happened to them with the visiting time, then the visitor must've been at fault.

We both went upstairs and she led me to Hyunjin's room. She just knocked the door and gave me a smile as she left me there. Hyunjin came out while carrying his dog, Kkami.

"Why are you here?" Hyunjin

"Nothing. Can we talk?"

"Right. I also want to talk to you" Hyunjin glared at me and opened the door for me. I got in and looked around but Akari wasn't there at all.

What the fuck is this scary feeling? We are friends but he is scaring me.

"Where's Akari?"

"She went somewhere. Let's not play with the conversation. Talk" Hyunjin

"It's about Hyein"

"Same. I want to talk to you about her" Hyunjin smirked

"Let us date"

Hyunjin laughed "You are really a straightforward guy and never failed to amaze me. Anyways, you know about her past and you are at fault for letting her date Hyunjae which is your cousin"

"It wasn't my fault. They sneaked out together without telling me. Why am I at fault?"

"Then tell me your plans for Hyein and reason why I should let you two date"
Hyunjin stared at me

"I won't say anything cheesy but..."

"But?" Hyunjin

"Kill me if something happened to Hyein or if I made her cry"


I don't know what's gotten into me why the hell I suddenly came up with letting him kill me if ever something happened to Hyein? Argh. Whatever. I just know I won't made Hyein cry or hurt her. I am confident with that one and Hyein will be happy with me.

Hyein calling...


[Where are you?]

"Already here. I ordered for us"

[Alright. I'm near. I'll see you there. I miss you!]

"Sure. I miss you too"


She ended the call. Now we can date whenever we want without hiding from Hyunjin at all. This feels nice being free from hiding and not letting anyone know about us dating. I'm glad I decided to talk to Hyunjin about that.

A car arrived and Hyein got out. She even waved at me and got inside. She sat in front of me and was confuse.


"Where did you go?" Hyein

"Just somewhere"

"Really?" Hyein eyed me from head to toe

"Do you want to go somewhere tomorrow? Or you want us to meet this Monday instead?"

"You're weird. You know my brother will kill me if ever he found out we are dating" Hyein pouted

I held her hand "Don't you trust me? Let's go somewhere tomorrow. Then I'll pick you up this Monday so we can go to school together"

"Why are you so confident? Are you okay?" Hyein

"I can't believe this. You don't trust me at all"

"I do. It just feels weird that you suddenly want us to date" Hyein

"Fine. I'll tell you. I talked to Hyunjin earlier that's why I asked you for his address. He did let us date and I promise him that I won't make you cry at all"

"No, you didn't. Do you want us to get killed?" Hyein

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Gosh. Don't act like you don't know him at all. You know how scary Hyunjin is"

She doesn't believe me at all. What should I do to make her believe me? This is so annoying. She lost her trust because of Hyunjin's overprotectiveness towards his sister.

"Just date me. Don't even ask"

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