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Hyunjin's POV

I did my morning routine and went out and saw the girl wasn't there anymore. Good thing she left. I don't want to wake up anyone when I am not in a good mood at all.

I lied down on my bed again and covered myself with the blanket then the door opened again. Akari entered like she doesn't want to wake me up. She went straight to her bed and took care of her things. Did she go to her boyfriend? Why is she wearing something like that? Did she went home?

"What are you staring at?" she raised her eyebrow

"Did you ever realized that you look stupid?"

She rolled the paper she was holding and threw it to my face "What the hell is wrong with your eyes?! Can't you even see the difference between beautiful and stupid?!"

"No, you still look the same"

She rolled her eyes and just ignored me.

"Where did you go? You didn't go home last night"

She looked so shock "Ah. Minho and I did our project last night. Why?"

"At his house? You slept there?"

Akari nodded "Yup"

"It's just the two of you?"

"What? No. His parents arrived. He slept in the guest room while I was told to sleep in his room" Akari explained and went to the bathroom carrying some clothes. She went out wearing something comfortable "He will go to his cousin's house so we don't have much time to do our project on Sunday since he might go home late"

I doubt that. There is no way she slept in Minho's room alone. Of course, they will do something weird. I am not suspecting them and I don't really care. I am just curious if they did it or not. Am I that dirty minded? It doesn't look like they did something. She looks like she went on a date with Minho. Why would she wear something like that if they will just do their project? Is she that sensitive?

"His parents were kind cool and weird. His Mom kept calling me Minho's girlfriend" Akari giggled

"What the fuck? Why do you look so happy? Do you like him?"

"Crazy. I'm just overwhelmed with their warm welcome. When I saw them entered I thought they will scold us because we were alone in the living room. I was wrong. They literally did something unexpected" Akari said and showed me a bracelet "This is from Minho's Mom. She said her Mother gave it to her and she wanted me to end up with Minho so she gave this to me"

"And you accepted it? You really want to end up with Minho?"

"What's wrong? Are you jealous?" Akari smirked

"Not at all. I would never"

She chuckled and started brushing her hair while facing me "Did you and your partner do your project?"

"Not yet"

She started coughing "Are you serious?"

"We are not even talking about it. I just told her I would take care of it"

She nodded and stared at me like she is trying to analyze me "Then who is the girl I saw earlier coming out of this room?"

"You saw her?"

"Of course. She didn't sleep on my bed, right? Besides, looks like she spent the whole night here. She is still wearing the uniform" Akari

"Are you jealous?"

"Ew. No" Akari rolled her eyes

"Why are you asking?"

"Nothing. I thought she was some random person who stalked you and ended up here. I am about to hurt her but seems like you know her. What's her name?" Akari

"I don't know. I just met her yeaterday"

Her eyes widened "Are you serious? You met her yesterday? How come you brought her here and spent the night?"

"Do you think I will ask her name? I am not stupid. I don't like her" 

"You are really something, Hyunjin. You brought a girl here without even knowing who she is. What if she is a killer? You are probably dead by now jerk" Akari

"You are worried of me?"

"You are wrong. I am happy to have this entire room" Akari rolled her eyes again and continued watching her face in the mirror "Are you and Minho bestfriends?"


"Funny" Akari

"We are friends. Why? You want me to help you? There is no way I would do that"

"Why? You want me to be yours?" Akari

"No thanks. You can have yourself or just throw yourself in the trash can"

Akari just rolled her eyes and kept removing her makeup using the cotton. She tied her hair into a messy bun and kept checking her face if something is wrong or what. I don't understand why would she put a makeup and will remove it too. Did she even thought that she is wasting a cotton?

"You are so stupid"

"You are too" she whispered

"I heard that"

"So? I intentionally let you hear it" Akari

"Can't you just-"

"How's Hyein and Felix?" Akari

I threw the pillow to her "You are so crazy! Why would you make them partners?! You know that I don't want them to go near each other! Can't you use your brain?!"

"What?! Can't I? They like each other. Are you some witch to break them apart?!" she shouted and threw the pillow back

Fuck. Forgive me if ever I lose temper and killed this girl.

My Annoying Roommate | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now