Aizawa's patrol- part 3

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Flashback~ 4 years ago(ish) part 2

It was February 28th and today was the day. He was going to propose. Yamada paced their room thinking where to take Aizawa. He knew Aizawa didn't like making a scene, so somewhere quiet and nice... Ah! That's it, he thought. Later, when Aizawa got home from patrol, today he took an earlier shift so he came home around 6:00pm.

"Hey hun, wanna go out tonight?" Yamada says, embracing Aizawa as he enters.

"Sure, babe, let me get cleaned up. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise! Just you wait."

"Alright, I'll be down when I'm done... dress code?

"Umm... something nice but up to you."

"Okay, babe love you."

"Love you too hun."

Aizawa disappeared into their room and Yamada let out a nervous sigh and he quickly made sure he had everything. About 20 minutes later Aizawa comes out in a nice semi-casual button-up and a nice jacket. He adorned his scarf, Yamada looked over him, smiling, clicking on his hearing aid.

"Sho... leave the scarf,  c'mon."

"B-but what if--"

"Hey, hey... we're off duty we can't do anything okay? I understand why you want to take it but you need to learn to let it go. I'm always here."

"O-okay... I'll leave it." Aizawa put the scarf away and linked hands with Yamada. Yamada leads Aizawa to the car and starts driving. He sees Aizawa looking out the window wondering where they are going. 

They stop at a little park and Aizawa instantly recognizes it. This is where they had their first date. They only went for a walk and ended up grabbing some Boba, it was nice. They parked and got out of the car.

*Come on Sho, I want to show you something.* Yamada signs looking over to Aizawa.

*Okay, let's go*

Yamada takes his hand and walks along the sidewalk. They both stop and look at the sunset. After a bit, they walk to a grove of un-blossomed cherry trees. As the sun fully sets, lights on the trees turn on. Yamada turned to Aizawa, who was looking up at the trees. 

It was like a fairytale; the beautiful twinkling lights around them were reflected in each other's eyes. Aizawa melted, he just stared at Yamada, he had no idea why they were there but he never wanted to leave this moment. 

The world stopped around them as the silence kept them from moving. The wind blew a bit, making Aizawa's half-down hair sway. Yamada was the first to break the silence.

"Shouta, I love you. You are my world and I never want to lose you so..." he gets down on one knee, Aizawa brought his hands up to his face to cover his mouth. "Would you make me the happiest man and marry me?" He says revealing a beautiful ring, but Aizawa didn't notice that.

"Yes! Yes of course!" Aizawa says kissing Yamada as he stands back up.

You know the princess bride kiss, how it was ranked the most passionate and beautiful, yes? Well, their kiss just overtook it. They embraced with such love and happiness that time stopped around them. Both were so enthralled with each other that nothing could break them from this moment. 

It lasted only a minute but an eternity passed between them both sharing that moment. Like a dream, it didn't feel real but when they opened their eyes they were still there, under the stars surrounded by trees lit with twinkling lights.

Flashback end~ (present) 

Aizawa starts walking home, taking his time, looking down every alley... just in case, still on the lookout. His head is still racing to try to run over the scenario with the boy.

 He still couldn't remember where he's seen that boy before, he swore he's seen him somewhere. He shakes his head, wiping some sweat from his brow as he approaches his front door.

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