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Warning for this chapter! There is some graphic violence and some homophobic speech. 

About 5 hours earlier~

Aizawa woke in a dark room, the back of his head throbbed and he could still smell the Chloroform. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dark interior, it appeared to be a warehouse. He'd call it abandoned except for the equipment that he saw around him. It was a lab but run down and it looked like it hadn't been updated in years. He sat in the middle of the room tied to a chair.

"Oh my love~ he's awake," A woman says from behind him, her voice distorted slightly from the buzzing in Aizawa's head.

"Thank you Sweet pea, it seems it's time to begin then." Another voice, male. They both walked up to Aziawa, the man put a hand on his shoulder squeezing slightly. Then both individuals came into view.

 Aizawa recognized them immediately even when he was seeing four of them. The woman was of course Izuku's birth mother, Inko, and the man was the same that tried to kidnap Izuku at the trial earlier that week.

"What do you want?" Aizawa spit, his voice not exposing how disoriented he was.

"We want what Izuku has and since you found it we need him to get it back. The best way to do that is to give him some incentive," The man confessed as he quickly leaned close to Aizawa and cut off a piece of his hair. "Here my dear, take this. You know what to do." With that Inko took the hair and disappeared from Aizawa's view.

"Now, we can have some fun. You see, I haven't had many people to experiment on since Izuku was little. Even then... business was slow," the man pulled up his white button-up sleeves pulling over a small cart that carried a multitude of shapes and dull tools.

Inko could hear the screams and she smiled as she wrote the note to her dear Izuku.

Dear Izuku, my baby,

We have the man you call your father. Me and your real dad are making him comfortable here with us. We require the flash card you found earlier, in return, you will get your stupid guardian back. No one should know about this, if you tell anyone we will kill him. Right now the flash card is with the police. You need to get it back and make sure it doesn't have a tracker. If we trade and it does we will go after your two lovely boyfriends... you are so broken my dear boy. They were so quick to come to your rescue but I'll make sure you won't be able to save them. So, it's pretty straightforward, get the flash card back and meet us at the old house tonight at 1:00 am. All you needed to do Izuku is be a good boy but you had to mess that up. Now your father is very very mad, I'm not sure how much he can hold back. So hurry if you still want your... stupid hero to come back in one piece.

Love, your mother, Inko

P.S. Your mom is disappointed but she always loves you.

Inko quickly taped the cut dark hair to the note and rolled up the note. She was placed in a small tube which then went onto a trained Raven.

"Fly my pretty, go find my son, and tell him the good news." Her smile was malicious. She watched the bird fly off before heading back to the screams.

Mr. Midoryia was sharpening a blade when Inko made it back into the room.

"Why has he stopped screaming, my love," Inko says lust and malice dripping from her voice.

"Well we can't make him worn out so quickly," He answered, not even looking up from his blade. The scraping fills the silence between them.

"I need him to scream. HE TOOK AWAY MY SON!! This man is a monster, I need him to suffer. Izuku will come back to me whether he likes it or not."

I jumped... but I was saved. (Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now