A Family Found, A Home Complete

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Hello all! This has been a long time coming and I am so happy you all have read this, I appreciate all your comments and encouragement. It has been a hard time lately, school and health hit me like a bus but I am back! This will be the last chapter! I do plan to have an  one-shot/short fic to continue the story with some of the unfinished plot points. I will update here if/when I finish that! Thanks again for all your support! If you can please buy me a coffee, I would really appreciate it! https://buymeacoffee.com/cj23

Thanks again! 

~The Author

The days of recovery were still slow, but their house was constantly filled with food and love so they didn't care. Aizawa struggled to get out of bed some days, these were hard on everyone, especially Izuku. Who had almost always slept on either the bed or the makeshift bed they brought in after one too many bruised butts from Yamada falling out of the bed.

It took time and halfway through school started up again and Yamada needed to work as a hero and a teacher. They all went to therapy together and separated to process all that had happened in the last couple of months. Even though the physical wounds still ached Aizawa found himself in a higher spirit when Izuku came home smiling after a date or a training exercise that went well.

Aizawa remained at home for a couple more months, cooking and taking it easy, but he felt uneasy and useless. Not being able to teach, hero, or even walk long distances, he really couldn't do anything. He'd be exhausted just going to buy milk and eggs from the store, but his lover game passed along his positive attitude when he could. 

The echo of Yamada's voice saying, "Don't worry my dear, you will be back to swinging around in no time." It calmed his racing heart and aching bones.

It was the fourth month of recovery, and Aizawa had packed a lunch for Izuku. It was the weekend but he was volunteering at a small hero firm. It was just him and the cats in the house, Yamada was at his studio doing another edition of "Ask Me Anything" so his fans could talk to him. 

What Aizawa didn't expect was a knock at the door. He grabbed his cane got up from the couch and tried to fix his clothes. Opening the door he saw Todoroki, his kid's boyfriend. He breathes heavily like had just finished a run, his clothes are torn and burned, although what draws all of his attention is the fresh bruises on his face and arms.

"H-hey Mr. Aizawa, sorry I thought Izuku was here. I'll just go–" Todoroki stumbles through his words unable to catch his breath or stop the shaking in his legs. He starts to turn around but Aizawa's voice stops him.

"Kid come inside. You don't have to talk but I want to know you're safe. I can call Izuku and Bakugou if you need me to." Aizawa knew what this was, he knew ever since the beginning of the school year that something was going on, but it was hard to gather any evidence especially when the boy was so closed off and he couldn't really stake out the number 2 heroes home. 

Todoroki just stares at him, unsure of what he wants to do, so Aizawa gives him the agency to choose. He turns around leaving the door open and goes into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. A minute passes and he hears the soft close of the door, the shuffling of shoes, and the pitter-patter of feet. Todoroki appears at the bar countertop and sits down on one of the stools. Aizawa looks over trying to hide his relief that the boy decided to stay and puts a glass of water in front of him.

"I won't ask unless you want me to, but it would make me feel better if we checked out your wounds. May I?"

"S-sure... can you call them... I don't have my phone..."

"Yes, of course. Go to the couch and I'll be back with the first aid kit."

Todoroki nods and heads to the couch, Aizawa moves to the bathroom where they keep a stocked first aid kit. He sends a quick text to a group chat he has with Yamada and the three boys, Todoroki is here, he is banged up and wants his partners. Short and simple, he has a feeling the other two know a bit more about what is going on but at this point it is all theory. He makes his way out and sits on the coffee table in front of the shaking boy.

I jumped... but I was saved. (Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now