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Thursday the 10th (5 days since the incident)

Izuku squirms in his bed, it's 2:00am and his nightmare ends. He wakes up in a cold sweat, rubbing his eyes, he gets up and heads downstairs with the nightmare still in his brain. His mind flashes back to Aizawa saying he doesn't belong with them and Yamada yelling that he's going to have to leave and go to an orphanage. 

Then their real voices reached his ears as he came to the top of the stairs.

"I don't want him anymore, but it's awful to get rid of him like that," Aizawa says, not realizing Izuku was listening to him. "He's just not right here, we can find him another cl--"

"I KNEW IT! YOU nobody WANTS ME!" Izuku yells running down the stairs be lining to the door.

"Izuku we're not ta--" Yamada tries to respond.

"NO-- You don't want me here, you never did!" Izuku yells running out the door disappearing from Yamada's and Aizawa's view.

"Izuku!" Aizawa yells racing after the boy. He runs outside and looks around for Izuku, but he is nowhere to be found. "FUCK! Babe, we gotta find him... he could get hurt, WE HAVE TO FIND HIM... fuck." Aizawa stutters out, looking for any sign of which direction he ran. Yamada runs out of the house holding car keys.

"He couldn't get far, right? Let's go!"

"Babe... look... he used his quirk," Aizawa states, pointing at 2 foot-shaped marks on the ground.

"Shit we need to go!"

They get into the car and half an hour later they still haven't found him. They looked everywhere they could think of, going back and forth through alleys, Aizawa got out and looked from rooftops and more hidden spots. 

Nothing. No sign, but they weren't about to give up.

"Are you sure we checked everywhere important, Hizashi?" Aizawa says as his eyes let more tears fall on his already tear-stained face.

"Umm well we checked the school, his old home, the All Might store, I mean those are the big ones... Wait a sec! I have one more place we haven't checked!"

"Hit it, let's go."

Yamada makes a beeline for his and Izuku's spot. His heart was pumping, he couldn't hear anything but the pounding of his heart. There was a small glint of hope... hope that Izuku would be there. They pull up and hop out of the car. 

Yamada runs to the hidden path, Aizawa following closely behind. They begin to hear small cries and sniffles. They come into the clearing to see Izuku sitting on the ground head on his knees crying. 

They both rush over embracing Izuku, crying themselves.

"I-izuku we love you! We don't want you to leave. We want you to stay... Izu--" Aizawa says, pulling Izuku over to his chest.

"Zuzu, we want you, you're our family now. We never want you to go." Yamada says, pulling away so Izuku has room to breathe.

"We were talking about some students at UA, not you, Izuku. I'm sorry you thought we meant you. Hey, bud it's okay." Aizawa says, looking down at the boy who is now clinging to him and sitting in his lap still crying.

"We were going to ask you this tomorrow but we can do it now, maybe it will cheer you up. Can you look at me, Zuzu?" Yamada says, giving a small smile towards the boy.

Izuku lifts his head and looks back and forth from Yamada and Aizawa, still crying slowly.

"Izuku, we want to adopt you." They both say.

Izuku's tears stop, his eyes widen and he stutters "R-really?"

"Yes really, we want you to be our son, whatcha think?" Aizawa says, smiling towards the boy.

"Y-yes I-i'd love that," Izuku says through more tears as he reaches out to both of them for a hug. They all come together and cry, but they simile because they are now a family.

 A few minutes go by then Aizawa speaks. "Are you ready to go home, Izu?"

"Y-yeah, thank you, d-dad," Izuku says, looking at Aizawa nervously, wondering if it was too early to call him dad. "A-and thank you p-papa." Izuku continues and looks at Yamada with a soft smile. 

Aizawa's and Yamada's hearts melt and smile with happy tears in their eyes.

"Let's go, son," Aizawa says, taking Izuku's hand and leads him back to the car. They get into the back and Izuku lays down resting his head on Aizawa's lap and he falls asleep. 

Aizawa slowly runs his fingers through Izuku's hair and hums a little lullaby as they drive home. They get home and Aizawa carries Izuku in and puts him in his bed and leaves, leaving the door slightly open just in case of another nightmare. He's had them a lot since the incidents. 

I jumped... but I was saved. (Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now