chapter 10

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We'd spent basically the whole day at the beach. Me and Hayden had gotten into a water fight after he'd thrown me into the water. We were soon joined with Ty and Ophelia, who challenged us to a shoulder war.

That's how I spent the next twenty minutes sitting on top of Hayden's shoulders, battling Ophelia and Harley and even Zack when he'd forced Aiden to let him sit on his shoulders. When we finally left the ocean, Aiden and Zack left and came back with burgers but before I could grab one to eat, Hayden was grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the beach.

I laughed, "you better be taking me to a restaurant."

He rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him, flinging his arm around my shoulder. He had thrown on a shirt and a hoodie and I'd only had time to pull on my shorts before he had yanked me away from the food. "Don't worry," he told me, "I promise it'll be worth it."

I smiled and let him lead me to wherever we were headed. When we finally reached the amusement park I raised a brow at him, "I thought we were coming when it was dark?"

We had planned on coming after the sunset, but Hayden seemed to be pushing the plan a bit forward. He ignored my question and instead paid for our entry fee, which I'd growled at him about. But he'd brushed that off as well.

"What would you like to eat," he said, gesturing to all the food stalls around.

I raised my brow, "this is all junk food. What about real dinner?"

"Real dinner later. trust me alright?"

I sighed but walked him towards the donut stall. "I'm paying," I told him as I ordered donuts for the both of us. Just as I was fumbling for my phone Hayden grabbed his own, paying before I had the chance too.

He thanked the server and pulled me away as I scowled at him.

"I can't believe you just did that," I frowned at him.

"Tonight's my night Vi," he said smiling at me, "and I will never let you pay when it's my night."

"Alright then," I said, pulling a donut out of the bag and biting down on it, "next time is my night."

"I'll let you think that for now," he said with a smirk. Then he leant down and took a bite out of the donut I was holding.

I slapped him away, "there's one in the bag for you asshole."

He laughed and steered me towards the back of a line. He glanced at his phone and then the sky.

I trailed my eyes to where the line led and smiled, "the Ferris wheel?"

He nodded, "mhmm."

"You wouldn't by any chance be planning that we watch the sunset from the Ferris wheel?"

His eyes widened in feigned shock, "what? No. I would never plan something so thoughtful and romantic."

"Who said anything about romance?" I asked as we neared the front of the line.

Hayden leaned down until his head was at the same height as mine and could peer right into my eyes, "I did."

My stomach swarmed with butterflies and I brought my hand up to push my hair out of my face while I fanned myself, "did it just get really hot in here?"

Hayden laughed, clearly smug with himself over my reaction, "we're outside, love."

My breath caught in my throat. He just called me love. In his accent. talk about drop dead hot. I didn't really know how to deal with all these feelings. They were happening so fast and it had been two years since I'd felt nervous over a guy. Let alone had a guy flirt with me that made me feel all flushed like this.

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