chapter 37

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"Hurry up!" I yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" Hayden shouted back.

I groaned. We'd been waiting on him for ten minutes now. I'd spent the last two days showing Hayden around Melbourne, taking him to my favourite cafes and places in the city and introducing him to my mum, Anna, and sister Georgia.

Both of them had immediately liked him and at dinner the other night they'd both taken to telling him my most embarrassing stories. They probably liked him more than me at this point. Which was totally fine with me. It made me happier than I thought it would.

And now, we were headed down to Sorrento, a beach town in Victoria. Mum had a property down there. It wasn't anything spectacular but I loved the house. It was right on the beach but had a pool anyway. I also had my own room and ensuite in the house. Although after being teased nonstop by Hayden about my childhood bedroom, which admittedly was embarrassing with all the posters of Edward Cullen, I was now less excited for him to see my room in the beach house which I'd painted pink to go with my matching pink bed sheets. Interior design was clearly not my forte back when I was fourteen.

It was Christmas tomorrow, and like every year, mum, Georgia and I drove up to Sorrento for a couple of days so we could go to my Aunt's house for her usual Christmas party. I loved the Christmas parties. The whole family plus friends were there. And apart from my dad, who also went to the party, I loved everyone there. And they loved me too.

This year, mum was letting me, Hayden and Georgia take the house for ourselves a day earlier and we'd meet her at the party tomorrow.

We'd planned on leaving early in the morning, but Georgia and her girlfriend, Tiara, who was also coming, had stayed out late and ended up only getting to Mum's house at midday.

And Hayden had taken that opportunity to sleep in. Like usual. And now everyone was ready to go, except for Hayden.

"Vi," Georgia said from the kitchen bench. Her arm was wrapped around Tiara, who was leaning against her.

They'd been dating since Georgia was twenty five. And they were so in love it was sickening. Except totally cute. Georgia was one of the few people I would do absolutely anything for. Even though we weren't extremely close, mostly because she was seven years older than me, it didn't change the fact that I loved her with all my heart. And I loved Tiara equally as much. As far as I was concerned, she was as part of the family as me.

I smiled at them, "hmm?"

"We actually have news," Tiara said. "We were planning on surprising you tomorrow, but Georgia couldn't wait." She gave her a disapproving look. "And also Anna was probably going to spoil it anyway."

My eyes widened, "oh my god. Is one of you pregnant?"

Georgia laughed, "no. Actually, Tiara asked me to marry her."

I clamped my hand over my mouth, "oh my god!"

Georgia nodded, "I know. Two weeks ago. We wanted to tell you in person. We are going to announce our engagement tomorrow."

"Oh my god!" I squealed before launching myself at them and wrapping them both in a hug. I was so happy for them. Two of the loveliest people. Tears of joy came to my eyes. "I'm so happy for you."

Georgia, who was also as sensitive as me, or more for that matter, looked like she was about to cry, "thank you Vi. You're the maid of honour ok? For both of us."

I squealed again as more happy tears came to my eyes. "Where's the ring?"

They shook their heads and instead produced matching necklaces with a diamond pendant hanging on the chain.

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