chapter 4

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"Violettttttt," Harley groaned, sliding into her chair, glaring at me, "I've already quizzed you three times. And you've got them right every time."

I gave her my best pout, "come on Harles. Please? Just one more time."

She glared her eyes at me, "that's what you said last time."

"Please? I'll owe you one. I mean it. My exams are next week and I really want to ace them."

It was Saturday afternoon, and I'd agreed to meet up with Harley after I was done studying at the library for a coffee. Mostly because I loved her and coffee but also so that I could get her to quiz me for my exams, which were starting on Monday. She'd agreed the first three times but turns out I'd pushed my luck asking the fourth time.

She sat back up and tapped her finger on her chin, pretending to think. "Hmmm," she said finally, "one more time but then you owe me a favour."

"Deal," I smiled and she started quizzing me again.

I was about to answer one of her questions when my eyes snagged on the person that just walked in. It was Hayden. And today he was wearing loose sweatpants and a t-shirt that was clinging to his frame. His hair was damp too, sticking to his forehead. Seems like he just finished a workout or had a shower. Or both. Either way, it was a really good sight.

As soon as he walked through the doors, he caught my gaze and a wide grin spread across his face. But he didn't come over to my table and instead walked to the counter.

Normally I'd think it an extremely strange coincidence that we kept bumping into each other, but Harley and I had picked our favourite coffee shop, which happened to be right around the corner from Columbia, which is where Hayden went, so I guess it wasn't a complete coincidence that he was here.

Harley noticed me staring and turned around to look. She turned back to me and raised her brows, "who is that?"

"Um," I said, unsure how to start. I hadn't told Harley about Hayden yet. Mainly because I didn't really think there was anything to tell. Especially since I thought we would only meet once. "We met on the subway."

"You met a guy on the subway and didn't tell me?" she shook her head disapprovingly at me.

I shrugged, "it wasn't a big deal. I left my bag on the subway and he chased after me to give it to me. And then we bumped into each other again. He doesn't even know my name."

"And why not? You know him."

I rolled my eyes, "he's a stranger. It's not like we know each other or anything. I've talked to him twice. It's not like anything is going to happen. It's just weird that we keep running into each other."

She wiggled her brows, "more like fate. He's hot Vee. You should totally hit it."

I frowned, "you know I'm not into that sort of stuff."

Unlike Harley, I wasn't into the whole one night stand scene. Not that I judged people who were. I just personally took no joy in casual sex and hooking up with guys I didn't have an emotional connection with.

Harley chewed her lip then said slowly, "maybe you should be. It might help with all the stuff that happened last year."

Memories flooded through my head and I straightened my spine, "doubtful."

Harley's eyes flashed with guilt, "I'm sorry. I just mean that you can try putting yourself out there again you know? I'm not saying go around sleeping with a bunch of dudes. Just maybe try putting feelers out?"

I rubbed my head, letting the tension ease from my body, "I know. Maybe. I don't know. I'm just busy at the moment."

She nodded her head, "completely. It's just an idea. Besides sex is nice if you find the right people."

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