chapter 31

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Hayden had ended up taking me to a crappy diner, both of us dressed in our fancy attire and attracting the attention of literally everyone.

Hayden, being annoying, was loud and obnoxious, putting on an act and attracting more attention to us. I'd eventually gone along with him, pretending to be a snobby rich person with him and had actually enjoyed myself.

It was freeing, pretending to be someone else in front of a bunch of strangers. I didn't care about their judgement. I didn't care how I seemed to them. I was just having fun. And it was fun.

Hayden pulled me to several other locations, and we changed our personalities for each place, pretending to be a newly wed couple or a fighting couple or some posh foreign people. It distracted me from the earlier events of the night and we'd ended up getting back to my apartment late at night.

Harley and Ophelia had been up waiting and I eventually told them about what happened.

They hugged me and we stayed up until early in the morning watching movies.

Now it was the day of Cami's actual party and after sleeping half the day away, I was in a rush to get ready.

It was fairly early, only seven o'clock, but since Hayden was a relative he had to go early to help set up some decorations with Cami's friends.

Apparently the party set up and theme was a surprise to Cami even though she knew the party was happening. The tradition was that her friends and Hayden would get the party venue ready and she would just show up and have a fun time.

I personally thought it was cute.

This year, Cami's friends had decided on a theme of Hollywood. Since I had no costume planned I had to make do with what I had available. Which was basically Harley's closet. I ended up borrowing a draped halter top singlet she had which made me look like a disco ball from all its sparkles. I pulled on a black mini skirt and some sparkly heels to match with the top.

I was going for Paris Hilton although I doubted it would be clear. But oh well. I did my best.

Ophelia forced me into a chair and put some red lipstick on me despite my protests. Other than that and some mascara, I decided to go makeup free.

When I got to the venue with Hayden, we were greeted by some of Cami's friends. I barely remembered their names, but one girl, who was apparently Cami's best friend, showered a heap of glitter onto me.

I didn't mind it. I fucking loved glitter. But it would definitely be in my hair for the next month.

Hayden wasn't dressed as anything. He was wearing his usual t-shirt, and some loose tracksuits. So lame. I'd been hoping that he'd come dressed in another suit.

We spent the next few hours sorting out the catering, blowing up balloons, getting out the drinks and alcohol and putting Cami's massive birthday cake on the table. There was also a table near the front door for all the gifts Cami would probably be receiving.

Hayden and I had ended up getting her a joint gift. We'd settled on some jewelry, Hayden paying for most of it but I chipped in as much as I could. And as much as Hayden would let me. Our gift, along with Cami's other friends, were already on the table.

By the time guests were arriving the music was already blasting and some people were already on the dance floor, grinding on each other.

The venue was pretty large. There was one main room that was big enough to fit all the guests that were coming. A few chairs and couches were placed around giving people somewhere to sit if they got tired. The drinks station was actually a bar but it was a free for all, meaning that you could serve yourself whatever alcohol you wanted.

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