chapter 9

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"Come on Harley," I groaned. How is it possible that she was taking twenty minutes to decide on an outfit?

After I'd got back to the apartment, showered and ate again, I'd decided I was going to Coney Island with Hayden. I'd told Harley my plan soon after and extended the invitation to her and Jess and Ophelia.

Jess had already made plans but Harley and Ophelia both agreed. Immediately. When I'd laughed at their reactions they had just smirked and told me they would never pass up the opportunity to see me and my future boyfriend. They could be a little too supportive sometimes. 

"Harley," Ophelia yelled, "if you don't drag your ass out here right now I'm coming in there and you won't like it."

"Fuck off!" Harley yelled back but emerged from her bedroom a few seconds later.

I eyed her outfit which was a pair of ripped up denim shorts, a tight tank top which showed off her red bikini underneath. She'd pulled her blonde hair into a high ponytail, showing off the dangly earrings she was wearing.

I raised a brow, "dressing to impress?"

She grinned, "always."

Unlike Harley, I had decided on a comfy pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Underneath I had however chosen a cute strappy black bikini.

Harley eyed my outfit and scrunched her nose, "couldn't you put in a little more effort?"

I scowled and crossed my arms, "no. If Hayden only likes me dressed up then its a pass from me."

Harley laughed, "true but isn't it more fun to see his jaw drop?"

I scowled more and Ophelia wrapped her arm around me since she wasn't quite tall enough to throw it over my shoulder, "quit teasing her Harles. Poor Vee is already nervous about seeing her man."

"He is not my man," I glared at both of them who just laughed and looped their arms through mine before dragging me out of the apartment.

We hailed a cab to go meet Hayden at his house since none of us had a car. Well, Harley had a car gifted to her by her parents, but after she'd been booked for speeding twice, and then accidentally scraped the entire side of the car on another one while trying to parallel park, her parents had confiscated the car from her. Temporarily. Which meant that until she got her car back, we had been public transporting everywhere.

I learned to drive when I was sixteen in Australia. I'd even clocked up my driving hours, but never ended up getting my licence since I'd injured my knee, spent a year in recovery and basically immediately after, moved to America.

And since I wasn't a US citizen and was only living in America under an education visa, I couldn't apply to get one. Which was annoying as hell. Harley kept bugging me to apply for residency but to be completely honest, I had no idea what my future plans were. and I rarely thought about it.

I still had two more years to decide before I finished university, which in my opinion meant two more years of not thinking about my future.

The cab pulled up in front of Hayden's house. It looked a lot different during the day. It was a lot bigger than I'd remembered, maybe because this time it wasn't crowded with a shit ton of people.

We were headed towards the front door when it swung open and Hayden, Ty, Aiden and Zack spilled out of it, carrying at least four six packs of beers that I could see. There was probably more in the cooler that Ty was holding.

They paused when they saw us and my gaze immediately travelled to Hayden's. His dark eyes widened in surprise before a huge smile broke across his face.

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