chapter 43

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"Violet," Mark called from the front of the classroom, "would you stay back for a second?"

I nodded, waving bye to Brooke who was giving me a questionable look. She'd no doubt noticed my fading contempt for Mark over the past couple weeks, but I didn't owe her an explanation. Besides, admitting I was becoming increasingly friendliness with Mark to her meant admitting it to myself. I wasn't ready for that yet.

I made my way to the front of the classroom giving Mark a nod, "yes?"

"The court date is getting closer and I wanted to prepare you for the possibility of working overtime," he said, collecting his things and heading for the door.

I followed after him, glancing around us, my stomach twisting at the thought of running into Harley or Lia on campus. I ignored the feeling and what it meant.

"Of course," Mark continued, matching his stride to mine, "you're still not required to work outside of the agreed times but I believe it will help give you more experience and a better idea of working in law." He smiled at me, "and you'll be able to network a bit more."

I couldn't help the excited flutter in my stomach. Networking was good. Having connections was good. And Mark was helping me do that.

I nodded and returned his smile, "alright. I'll let you know. I won't always be available but I'm happy to make time."

Mark nodded, "great. I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll be on campus before work so we can meet up beforehand?"

I shifted nervously. Lunch had become a somewhat regular thing with Mark but it was always filled with talk of work and the case. This seemed a bit too close to a friendly catch up.

Mark noticed my hesitation and sighed, "you still don't trust me."

"You can't expect me to," I said frowning, "yes you've been nice and friendly but it doesn't just change the years before that."

"I know," Mark said, "I know. Use this as a trial run then. Come to lunch with me tomorrow, before work. I won't do anything. I'm trying here. To be a better person. To earn your forgiveness."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I knew I shouldn't. I knew this was an absolutely terrible idea. I was getting way too comfortable. But like he'd said, the court date was soon, and once it was over I'd no doubt be moved departments and would never have to see him again. But I needed the experience and opportunities he was offering.

I sucked in a deep breath. I could keep this up a while longer. No one would have to know and I would give myself a deadline. Mark was trying. He'd done nothing violent or threatening. I could fake friends with him and go to lunch and if he is being honest, good for him. And if there's a chance he's not, then I'll be rid of him in the next couple of weeks anyway.

It would be fine.

"Alright fine," I said, finally, "one lunch."

Mark grinned, "see you tomorrow Vee."

I nodded, watching as he crossed the road. I gave one last look around campus. No one had been paying attention to us. The sense of relief I felt didn't escape my notice but like most things regarding Mark, I pushed it to the back of my mind.

I glanced at my phone, deciding what to do next. Technically I still had a study group scheduled in the library, but I didn't feel like going today. I also didn't really feel like going home.

I'd been mostly avoiding everyone. Including Hayden. I hated lying to him, hence why I was avoiding him. But somehow, lying seemed better than facing his absolute disappointment in me if I told him the truth. I could picture his face if I told him. Disappointment, pity, shame, regret.

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