chapter 17

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"She seriously tried to slap you?" Ty asked for the third time.

After Hayden had driven me back to his house and all four of them had showered, they forced me into the living room so I could tell them what went down with me and Stella.

Ty seemed to be stuck on the slapping part.

I rolled my eyes, "Ty, keep up. She tried to slap me but she didn't so she walked away."

Aiden whistled, "damn Vee. You're a badass."

Zack was shaking his head, "she's a bitch. Why did you sleep with her again?"

Hayden had an angry look on his face and he scowled at Zack, "she seemed normal at first."

I laughed, "don't worry. I believe you." Then I looked back at all of them, "does she seriously show up to all your practices?"

Zack nodded, "yeah. It's weird. She's managed to sleep with most of the team so they don't really mind, but it's annoying as hell."

I screwed my face up, "she's slept with most of the team? Has she slept with any of you?" I asked looking between Ty, Aiden and Zack.

Aiden had a guilty look on his face, "yeah. I did. Only once though."

My eyes widened, "really?"

He shrugged, "yeah. Don't judge ok. I didn't know she slept with Hayden at the time, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. That just seems wrong."

I held my hands up, "not judging."

From what I've been told about Stella so far, she was the it girl of Columbia. Got with the hottest guys, was a heartbreaker, and a bitch but she got away with it because her parents were important people and had connections.

"Why doesn't Coach tell her to leave?" I asked.

"He has," Hayden said, "she doesn't listen so he gave up."

"She'll be at the party this weekend," Aiden said to Hayden. "I wouldn't put it past her to try to make a move."

Hayden raised a brow, "too bad. I won't be at the party."

"Where will you be?" I asked.

Hayden gave me an obvious look, "with you."

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from full on smiling, "what makes you think I don't want to go to the party?"

"You should," Aiden said, "Harley is coming."

I raised my brows at that. I had already grilled Harley about Aiden, but all she would tell me is that they hadn't slept together but that she liked him and wanted to see where things were going.

I was pretty sure though that they hadn't spent time with each other outside of the parties that Harley went to.

"When are you going to ask her out?" I asked.

"What?" Aiden sputtered, turning a bit pink.

Zack laughed, "I agree. It's been weeks, man. I'm surprised she's still interested."

Aiden was bright red now, "um I don't know."

I laughed, "I'm kidding."

Hayden was smiling, "so do you want to go to the party?"

I shrugged, "do you?"

"Please come," Ty said, "then we can dominate in beer pong again."

I glanced up at Hayden. He didn't seem overly thrilled with the idea, but the sound of hanging with all of them seemed fun to me. Still though, I'd be equally happy hanging out with Hayden somewhere else so I shrugged, "maybe. I'll see."

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