chapter 26

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Harley and Aiden's talk didn't really end all too well. They'd talked for most the afternoon apparently before Aiden left saying he didn't know if he could trust her and that as long as he couldn't he didn't want to be involved with her. And so far, that meant being involved in any way.

Aiden hadn't so much as sent Harley a text. Hayden said he was pretty upset about it. And pissed off. Understandable but Harley wasn't doing too great because of it.

Me and Lia had spent the past two days with her trying to cheer her up. We'd pigged out on food, watched all our favourite movies, even got a little drunk, but Harley stayed in the mindset that she'd fucked everything up.

So when she told me a couple days later that she was going to head down to Washington to visit her mum and dad for a week, I was extremely worried. Usually she never got as down as this.

She claimed she was fine and just needed some fresh air to reset herself. I wasn't about to tell her not to go so instead I helped her pack and drove her to the airport. Well technically, Hayden drove us to the airport since neither of us had a car.

Although Harley was hoping to wring out some sympathy from her parents so they'd give her car back and she'd drive back up to New York instead of flying. But knowing how Harley drove, I'd prefer if she didn't drive.

Good thing for me though, I now had the apartment to myself for the week. I offered to let Ophelia stay since she'd said it was a little tense with Jess around, but she declined knowing I probably wanted the apartment to myself. Or more specifically, me and Hayden.

After three nights of him staying over and both of us not needing to worry about being overheard, Hayden told me to be ready by six thirty because he was taking me out to dinner. And he also said to dress up.

That itself put me into a frenzy and had me searching through both mine and Harley's wardrobe. Without her here and Ophelia busy, I was having to text both of them photos of different outfit choices.

Hayden refused to tell me where we were going which made it all the more stressful. Was I over dressing or under dressing?

My makeup skills also limited how much I was able to glam myself up.

In the end I settled on a cute little dress. It was a simple black dress with a straight neckline and thin straps. It hugged my body but not too tightly that it would seem inappropriate for a fancy restaurant.

I would have chosen to put some lip lipstick on, but after trying and failing and staining my mouth red, I decided to just stick to some tinted lip gloss. I did brush some mascara through my lashes and covered my eyelids and cheekbones with glittery highlight. There was never enough glitter.

I curled my hair though. Something I actually could do pretty fucking well. I finally pulled out some boots, that could be either casual or fancy, and grabbed a leather jacket from Harley's closet, even though I wouldn't really need it with the warm weather.

I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection. I looked good. Maybe I should start curling my hair more often. It seemed to frame my face better than my usual straight hair.

Hayden texted me a few minutes later saying he was here and a series of honks sounded outside the apartment.

I rolled my eyes, snatching up my keys, shoving them into my little purse along with my phone before dashing out the door.

When I walked onto the street Hayden was leaning against the door wearing jeans and a nice dress shirt. His usually wild hair seemed a little more tamed as if he'd attempted to brush it. He looked so damn gorgeous.

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