chapter 49

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Hayden's POV

The whistle blew signalling the end of the game. Columbia had won. I smiled, euphoria rushing through me from the game and the win.

Zack jogged over to me, a wide smile on his face. "Good game," he said, clapping me on the back.

"You too man," I smiled back, "you played great."

He had. Buffalo would be lucky to receive a player like him.

The rest of the team came over, congratulating each other. For a lot of players, this win could help get them onto a professional team.

Aiden and Ty joined Zack and I at the bench, pulling their helmets off.

"Where's Vee and Lia?" Ty asked, glancing towards the bleachers.

I frowned, following his gaze to where Violet and Ophelia should have been sitting. But they weren't there. Harley was, and even though she was smiling at Aiden, I could see the worry in her eyes.

My stomach lurched. Something was off.

"Something's happened," I said.

Zack and Aiden looked at me, confusion on their faces.

Ty gathered his equipment, "come on. Let's get changed first."

I nodded, following his lead, making our way back to the change rooms. Aiden and Zack followed.

Together we stripped out of our padding and jersey's and into the spare clothes we'd brought with us.

Usually I'd be in a happier mood after a win but after seeing Violet missing from the crowd and Harley's worried expression, I was desperate to get out of here and go find her.

I knew Vi shouldn't have come to the game. Especially with her ribs, which were barely close to being properly healed.

Eating her out earlier was probably not my best idea. But she was too damn irresistible to not. Especially with my name and number across her back. Call it superstition, but I played a fucking good game.

Zack, Ty and Aiden were also changing quickly, giving strained smiles to the rest of the team.

There was supposed to be an afterparty, and Zack being captain was expected to go. His tight expression meant he was probably going to find a way to ditch it.

He was as worried about Violet and Lia as I was. Somehow, all three of those girls had managed to befriend us, and forced their way into our hearts. I knew all four of us would probably bend over backwards to make them happy.

I finished changing, packing my lacrosse stick and uniform into my bag. I waited, doing my best to hide my impatience as I waited for my friends to finish getting their stuff together.

I peeked at my phone, spying a message from Violet, apologising for leaving the game and telling me that Harley would explain.

"Come on," Zack said, clapping me on the shoulder once he'd finished changing, "let's go."

We left the change rooms. Harley was waiting outside for us, leaning against the wall. She was wearing Aiden's number, and blue and white stripes were painted across her cheeks.

Aiden's face transformed into a grin as soon as he saw her. Harley's face did a similar thing and she flung herself at him. "You won!" she grinned, kissing his face all over.

Aiden laughed, "sure did. Just for you."

She blushed a bit.

I was happy for Aiden. Truly. I was glad they'd worked things out. He deserved it. So did Harley.

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