chapter 21

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My mouth slanted against his and Hayden immediately reached up, his hand cupping the back of my neck as his tongue darted out, tracing the outline of my mouth.

I slid one leg across his lap, pulling myself up so that I was straddling him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing our bodies closer together. Hayden groaned into my mouth.

"Violet," Hayden gasped, ripping away from me.

I frowned slightly, "sorry," I mumbled.

He shook his head, "no. That's not what I meant. I just meant, are you sure?"

I smiled. God he really was cute. "Yes."

He looked skeptical as he reached up to push the loose strands of my braids out of my face. "Are you? You were just crying. I don't want to take advantage of you."

I leaned down and gently kissed him, "you aren't. I'm ok now. Mostly."

"Mostly? I'm happy to just stay with you." His eyes shone with concern.

"I'm sure," I said and kissed him again, "I just need you."

Hayden's mouth pulled into the widest grin and he yanked me forward, our lips finding each other again. Hayden's hands lowered, gripping my hips and rubbing me against him.

I gasped as he did it again, while he dropped his head kissing along my neck and lower until he had reached my collarbone.

I felt him grow, his bulge pressing against me, sending sparks of pleasure through me. I grabbed a fistful of his hair, yanking his head back. My turn now.

I kissed his mouth, my tongue clashing with his. He tasted so good, and I sucked his lip between my teeth, savouring his taste.

Hayden groaned into my mouth, the vibration travelling down my body, pooling in my stomach. I slid my fingers underneath the hem of his shirt, feeling his glorious back muscles, digging my nails lightly into his smooth skin.

Hayden groaned again, and the pressure between my legs was almost unbearable. I ground my hips, moving against him, causing us both to gasp at the sensation.

Hayden dug his fingers into my hips, meeting my movements, urging me on.

All my earlier thoughts fled my head as I focused solely on Hayden. On the feel of his mouth and hands on me. I couldn't believe I'd waited this long to kiss him like this.

In the next moment, Hayden lifted me off him, flinging me onto my back.

I raised my brow as he stood up, looking down at me. His hair was a mess, his eyes dark and hooded as he ran his eyes over my position on the couch, eyes glazing over as he did.

"What are you doing?" I asked, pushing myself onto my elbows.

Hayden shrugged his jacket off, and rolled the sleeves up, baring his forearms. My eyes immediately snagged on his tattoos, and then trailed to the little bit of his chest showing. "You should really start wearing suits everyday."

He pulled his tie off next and grinned, "for you, I'll consider it." He threw the tie on the ground and leaned over me, placing his hands on either side of my shoulders.

I tilted my head back to stare into his eyes, which were hooded by his thick lashes. He slowly leaned down until our mouths were millimetres apart. He was waiting, I realised. Waiting to make sure I wanted to do this and giving me the chance to pull away.

I tilted my head back and our mouths connected again. I opened my mouth to him, giving him all the access he could have. He claimed my mouth with his, more passionate than before. He kissed away all my thoughts and worries from before until everything was just him.

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