chapter 48

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"Are you ready?" I called out to Hayden who was currently lying underneath his blanket to stop him from peeking.

"I've been ready for a while now."

I rolled my eyes, "ass. Just look."

He peeled the covers from his face, his cheeks flushed and red.

I grinned at him doing a twirl from where I stood.

His smile widened, even as his eyes roamed my body, causing my stomach to flutter.

He stood from the bed, towering over me. I tilted my head back, grinning up at him. "You like?"

He grabbed my waist, spinning me so my back was facing him. He pushed my hair to the side and I felt his fingers tracing the letters across my back. They read 'Moore' with the number 17 below.

It was game day and since I'd decided to come to his game it also meant I was going all out in the dress up. Harley was doing the same for Aiden since she was also coming to watch. Lia was coming, but had opted out of getting dressed up. Fair enough.

I'd borrowed one of Hayden's spare lacrosse jersey, which was definitely not my size, at all, and had painted myself in Columbia's colours. I'd even tied ribbons into my hair.

I was a full lacrosse girl now apparently.

And Hayden seemed to love it.

He turned me back around, "this is really hot."

I laughed, "that was the aim."

I was still upset at him about yesterday. And I still had every intention of bringing it up again but I wasn't about to distract him right before a game. Our conversation could wait until after.

"How are your ribs?" he asked.

"Fine," I answered.


He grabbed the back of my thighs, lifting me off the ground. I let out a surprised squeal, before wrapping my legs and arms around him.

He slowly walked forward until my back was pressed lightly against the door to his room.

"What are you doing?" I asked a bit breathlessly.

He didn't bother answering and instead leant forward, pressing his mouth against mine.

I let out a surprised gasp and Hayden sneaked his tongue between my lips, brushing it against my own.

"What are you doing?" I managed to gasp out again between kisses.

One of Hayden's hands held my weight while his other slowly crept up underneath the jersey to cup one of my breasts.

"Making out with my hot fucking girlfriend."

My laugh turned into a moan as he pinched my nipple through my bra. My head hit the wall and Hayden's lips travelled to the expanse of my neck.

"You have a game in like forty minutes," I said, my hips involuntarily moving to find release.

"This will take less than five," he muttered against my skin.

I raised a brow at him, "selling yourself a bit short?"

He rolled his eyes at me, "more like selling you short. I'm not that one about to come in five minutes."

His hand slipped beneath my leggings, his fingers immediately circling my clit.

"Oh fuck," I groaned.

Pleasure swept through me but I wanted more. "It's going to take a bit more than this to make me come."

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