chapter 6

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I was nervous. Beyond nervous actually. It had been months since I'd last gone to a party and I'd definitely never gone to a party to meet someone before.

Harley, Ophelia and Jess were all buzzing with excitement. Me? My stomach was doing gymnastics. And it was even more unnerving considering that I definitely shouldn't be this nervous over some guy I've met three times. Well, four actually, but who's counting?

The Uber dropped us in front of the frat house and it didn't take long to understand why this was called the biggest party of the year. From what I could tell, the house was already filled to the max with people and now the party had spilled out of the house and onto the front lawn. I had no doubt that if there was a back lawn it would also be full. Music boomed throughout the house, loud enough that it could be heard over the screaming people everywhere.

Everyone was drunk it seemed and wild enough that it wouldn't surprise me if this somehow turned into an orgy. Girls were grinding on each other and guys, while guys were basically groping the nearest pair of boobs or ass they could find.

We pushed our way through the front lawn and into the house where the music was only louder.

"Let's try to get to the kitchen," Harley yelled at me over the noise. I nodded my head, grabbing onto her hand as we shoved our way through the crowd. Jess had already left us to go join the dance floor and probably some guy that she'd end up leaving with, while Ophelia clung to my other hand.

We made it to the kitchen which was loaded with alcohol.

"Damn," Harley whistled, "impressive."

Ophelia clapped her hands excitedly, "shot time!"

I bit the inside of my lip, "I'll just have water."

Harley and Ophelia glared at me. "Don't even," Harley scolded, "there is no way you are not drinking tonight."

"Come on Vee," Ophelia begged, "let loose. It's the holidays!"

I sighed and threw my hands up in defeat, "what the hell. Let's do it."

They cheered before grabbing three solo cups and the nearest bottle of vodka they could find. Harley measured out three shots before handing me a cup.

"Cheers," she said grinning. I clinked my cup with hers and Ophelia's before bringing it to my lips and letting the alcohol burn down my throat. Harley had definitely given me way more than a shot's worth, but I sculled it down anyway. I made a face. Bleh. Vodka.

That didn't stop Harley from pouring out another round, which I drank as well, before Harley and Ophelia forced me onto the dance floor. Or not really the dance floor. More just like where the main cluster of people dancing were.

The one thing I enjoyed about parties was the dancing, and to be honest, I wasn't that bad at it. As soon as we stepped onto the floor I let the music fill me and started swaying to the beat. Somehow, Harley had managed to bring the bottle of vodka with her, and as we grooved to the music she continued pouring me shots.

It wasn't long before I was a giggling, idiotic mess, jokingly grinding on Harley and Ophelia who thought I was absolutely hilarious. When I'd moved to America, I spent most of my time focused on school and had basically stopped drinking. Drinking for me was a rare thing for me. Sure I occasionally sipped on alcohol but I never drank to the point of tipsy. Let alone drunk.

And as a result, my tolerance was pretty low. Harley and Ophelia however, went out most weekends and had a significantly higher alcohol tolerance than me. Which is why, to me at least, they seemed only tipsy.

"Do you think Hayden is here?" I asked Harley, wrapping my arms around her neck, forcing her to sway with me.

Her mouth was in a wide grin and nodded, "he sure is."

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