chapter 36

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Christmas was around the corner and I was unbelievably excited. It was one of the few holidays I actually celebrated and enjoyed because every year I went back to Australia for Christmas and this year Hayden would be joining me.

I was buzzing with excitement for basically the whole week prior. Hayden would meet my family. I would get to show Hayden around my home country. I was going to be with Hayden, and just Hayden. It would also be our last chance to really see each other before lacrosse season started.

Hayden had already been going full out at the gym and at training but there was no training over Christmas.

Our plan was to leave a couple days before Christmas, then head back to New York after it so we'd be here in time for New Years.

I'd been so happy to be going home and to be going home with Hayden, who I'd already told my mum and sister about. I'd practically been smiling all day, unable to help myself. Our flight was tomorrow in the afternoon and I'd already packed my suitcase.

Or more like shoved half my clothes into it. I'd had to make sure Hayden was packing summer clothes since Australia was probably in the middle of a heat wave. Hayden scrunched his nose at the thought of a hot Christmas. But I doubt he'll be caring when we are at the beach sun tanning instead of inside freezing to death.

Don't get me wrong, I love winter. I love the snow. It was always such a wonder to me when the whole of New York city got blanketed in white. It was truly a wonderland. But I was an Australian girl and more accustomed to the heat than the cold. And New York tended to get freezing.

I was finishing my last day at the firm for two weeks. Even I wouldn't bother working through Christmas. My yearly visits to Australia were one of the most important parts of the year. Not even my love for my job would keep me from it.

But since I was getting a two week break, Rebecca had heaped a bunch of work onto me. Which is why I'd been sitting in the office since nine in the morning, reading over brain numbing contracts, signing things, filing things, banking, etcetera. My eyes were sore from reading and I was ready to fall asleep. Even though I had been pumping myself full of coffee all day.

Charlotte and Stacey were off doing some other work for Rebecca and Rebecca had left after a meeting with her and a few other colleagues, which thankfully, I hadn't needed to attend. Before Rebecca had left, she gave me a couple more tasks that she said I needed to do before leaving.

And so I stayed. Way later than I ever had stayed at the office before. It was nearing nine now, since I'd wasted an hour eating some dinner I'd had delivered here.

Most of the office had left but there were still a few people left behind. My phone had been set on silent for most of the day since I'd needed full focus. But as I packed my things up and headed to the elevator, I turned it on. I had several missed calls from Hayden, Harley and Ophelia.

I frowned, stepping inside the elevator and pressing the ground floor as I called Hayden back.

"Hey," I said, "is everything ok?"

"Vi," he said, "good. You finally answered. I was getting worried."

"My phone was on silent. Is everything ok? Has something happened? I'm leaving the firm now. I'll be home soon."

"That's what I was calling about," Hayden said, "there's been a snow storm. Most doors are snowed in. It's not safe to leave anyway. You're still at the office?"

As he said that, I stepped onto the ground floor of the building and my eyes widened as I saw the storm outside. I hadn't noticed being so concentrated on all the work.

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