chapter 12

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I felt something drop on my face. At first I ignored it and turned my head, too tired to move. It wasn't until I felt more drops hit me that my eyes flew open and I remembered where I was.

My heart stuttered as I glanced over to see Hayden, still clutching my hand. He was curled towards me, our legs tangled together while our upper body stayed disconnected.

I didn't want to wake him. He looked so calm while he slept. Honestly, I could keep staring at him for hours. But the drops I'd felt before started to pick up and I glanced at the sky, seeing a grey washing of clouds covering it.

I pulled my phone out to check the time. Great. It was dead.

From a guess though, I'd say it was early morning. The slight drizzle of rain turned into a light pour and I nudged Hayden. It was also cold, and despite the blankets I'd slept in, my throat was sore. Hopefully it didn't mean I was going to get sick.

"Hayden," I said, shaking his shoulder with the hand he wasn't holding. He didn't wake. Heavy sleeper much? "Hayden," I said a bit louder.

I pulled my hand free and was about to shake him some more, when his eyes snapped open.

I smiled at him. How could he still look good after just waking up? "It's starting to rain."

Hayden's forehead creased as his mind slowly caught up with him, "what?"

I laughed and stretched out, before jumping out of the truck. Honestly, I was surprised that I had even fallen asleep, let alone stayed asleep for the whole night. Especially considering the fact that i had been outside and lying in the back of a Ute. And also that I usually woke up halfway through my sleep from a nightmare. Sometimes even a night terror.

I winced a little at the soreness in my neck from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. "We need to go. It's starting to rain."

Hayden growled before pushing himself up. A cough racked my body but I tried to smother it when Hayden's head snapped my way.

"You're sick," he stated as he grabbed blankets, handing them down to me.

"No I'm not." But judging from the look he gave me, he didn't believe me one bit. Also the scratchiness of my voice didn't really help.

"Damn it," he sighed, "first date and I managed to get you sick."

The rain was slowly getting heavier and Hayden swore picking up his pace before hopping down next to me.

I gave him a look, "it was not a date."

He smirked, "whatever you say."

He opened the passenger door, throwing the blankets into the back before holding his hand out to help me into the truck. I smiled at the gesture but ignored it, swinging myself into the truck by myself. Hayden laughed before shutting the door and getting into the driver's side.

He didn't start driving but still turned on the car and blasted the heating. I shivered as I waited for the car to warm up, bringing my knees to my chest. I was still wearing Hayden's hoodie, but even that didn't do much to battle the cold. Especially since I was only wearing a bikini top underneath.

Hayden glanced at me worriedly, "I should've planned better."

I laughed, which turned into a cough. "You planned for us to sleep in the back of your truck?"

He shrugged, "no. But I did plan for you to stay the night."

"How'd you know I would?"

He grinned, "I knew you couldn't resist me."

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