chapter 15

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An hour later we were back in the city. Although more like the outskirts of the city before it got really busy.

I'd assumed we would have kept driving but Hayden pulled off the highway and started weaving through the side streets.

I hadn't really explored my way around New York that much since I'd moved so I looked around the neighbourhood smiling at it. It was a quieter part of New York, and I already liked it better than the city.

Don't get me wrong, I loved New York. But after a while it did get tiring. And so hot. Especially in summer. My apartment was smack bam in the heart of the city. There was noise constantly. Most of the time I didn't mind it but I still liked the quiet peacefulness of suburban areas.

And wherever Hayden was taking me right now was exactly that. Not quite in the city that it was a busy crowd everywhere you looked, but close enough that it still had a nice vibe to it.

I smiled. The fact that Hayden seemed to know his way around the area was also a little surprising. But I guess I shouldn't really be since he managed to find some random hiking trail on the side of a road.

Hayden came to a stop outside a small little cafe. It wasn't wildly crowded with people but some people still sat on the outside tables sipping on coffees and munching on delicious looking food.

Hayden got out of the car and met me on the side of the road.

I glanced up at the sign above the door. The cafe was called Lily's and it was decorated in flowers. Everywhere I looked there were flowers. Hayden walked me inside and my eyes widened at it. It was a small little cafe but every inch of it was beautiful, covered in colourful and dazzling flowers and plants.

I realised that this place doubled as both a cafe and a florist.

I spied some jasmines in the corner of the room and looked at Hayden, "did you buy me flowers from here?"

Hayden nodded his head and my smile grew. This place was not exactly close to the city. Probably thirty minutes give or take, depending on traffic. It also meant this place was probably important to Hayden as well, since I doubted he'd drive thirty minutes to just any flower shop.

That was proven when a guy walked behind the counter and smiled when he saw Hayden, "Hayden! Twice in one day."

Hayden grinned and walked to the counter clasping hands with the guy, "I knew you'd miss me too much."

The guy's eyes slid over to me then widened, "hi," he introduced himself, "my name's Clarence."

Clarence appeared to be in his forties or maybe even fifties. He had short grey hair and a matching beard. His eyes were a twinkling blue and he had a warm and welcoming smile. He looked a bit familiar but I couldn't pinpoint it.

"This is Zack's dad," Hayden filled me in.

My eyes widened and I held my hand out to shake Clarence's, "hi. I'm Violet. I thought you looked familiar."

Clarence smiled, "Zack got all his good looks from me." He looked back at Hayden and raised his brows, "this your girlfriend Jenny has been telling me about? Is this who the flowers were for too? Zack mentioned something about you being whipped."

I blushed but Hayden just laughed and shook his head, "we're friends."

Clarence gave him a look that clearly said he didn't believe him one bit, which only made me blush harder.

"What can I get you?" Clarence asked us.

Hayden glanced at me, "swear to god, Clarence makes the best chai latte."

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