chapter 14

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Hayden ended up staying the night. And the next four nights that followed, barely leaving my side, unless it was to go buy some food which he would cook for me and Harley, or to go to his lacrosse training or the gym.

Harley constantly teased me about what a nice boyfriend I had, to which I'd glare and as nicely as possible, tell her to fuck off. Hayden just laughed at it and continued to take care of me.

Which to be honest, was cute as hell. And also pulled on my heart strings knowing that he cared and wanted to spend time with me.

I knew he was missing out on parties, since Harley would always go to them so she could see Aiden, even though she wouldn't admit it. And all three of his friends constantly texted me to ask if I was planning to return Hayden to them any time soon.

I did feel a little guilty keeping him from going out and enjoying the summer but secretly I was selfishly happy that he was. Between Harley and Hayden's company I'd never enjoyed being sick more.

Every morning Hayden and Harley would be in the kitchen cooking breakfast and then we'd all sit at the kitchen bench joking and talking which would continue well into midday which is when Hayden usually left to go exercise.

Then he would return, give me a hug, make some dinner and glare at me until I took my medicine and then we'd sit in my bed watching movies and talking until I fell asleep. And somehow, we would always end up cuddled together.

Not that I minded. Turns out Hayden was really good at cuddles. And I loved a good cuddle.

Hayden hadn't said anything about our kiss on the first night. I was expecting him to push my friendship boundary or ask me again if he had a chance but either, the kiss had given him an answer, or he was being respectful.

I didn't mind because it gave me back what little control I had over myself.

The thing he had remembered though was the stupid bet we had made. Unfortunately, Hayden really did have a strong immunity system. He didn't have so much as a sore throat. Even though we had kissed and he'd slept next to me every night since.

And that is why a couple days after I got over my sickness and was all healthy again, Hayden had texted me telling me to be ready by ten in the morning, with specific instructions to wear exercise clothes.

Hayden had left to start sleeping back at his own house a few days ago, but had still managed to visit me for an hour or two each day. And when he wasn't here we exchanged a lot of texts. And photos too.

In fact, my camera roll was starting to fill up with photos of Hayden smiling while he was doing something or with someone. Even Harley managed to sneak some cute photos of us together when we were sleeping or when I was laughing at something Hayden had said.

Every photo made me smile and filled my heart with some warm feeling. And even though we were technically only friends, it still felt like our relationship was going at supersonic speed. And I couldn't tell if I wanted to go with it and dive head first into it, or try to slow down.

Either way, by the time ten o'clock rolled around my stomach was churning with nerves. I'd said this wasn't a date but I'm pretty sure both me and Hayden knew it was. And the fact that this was my first date since my last relationship made me even more nervous.

Well, maybe not the first date. I had dated a couple times since my ex, but nothing ever important or with someone I actually cared about.

Hayden's truck pulled up outside my apartment at ten exactly and a few minutes later Hayden was knocking at my door.

I practically sprinted to open the door for him, smiling when I did.

Hayden was wearing loose tracksuits and a simple black exercise t-shirt. In his hand was a bouquet of jasmine flowers.

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