chapter 41

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"Violet," Mark called as I made my way out of the library. I'd been doing some uni work for the past hour but now I needed to head home. It was Hayden's birthday today which meant I had to plan something better than what he planned for me.

Call me competitive.

But also I just thought he generally deserved it. I'd been coordinating with Zack, Ty and Aiden for the last couple of days trying to figure out what to do for Hayden. He wasn't the party type but his house was throwing him a party anyway. Which according to Zack, he had to show up to, for at least a couple of minutes. Which also meant my plans had to wait until after those few minutes.

But first, I had to deal with Mark. Ever since Monday, he'd found every way possible to speak to me. Whether that was on campus, in class or at work. I hated myself for it, but my panic had begun to subside around him. I told myself it was because I was taking control over my panic attacks and not because I was letting myself get more comfortable around him.

I still hadn't told anyone. And I didn't plan on it. Which is why Mark coming up to me out in the open was slightly problematic. If Harley or Lia saw, they'd be pissed. They wouldn't understand. And then they'd no doubt tell Hayden who would react the same.

I glanced over my shoulder and kept walking, "yes?"

"Could you stop walking?" he asked, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a stop. I was only slightly tensed.

"I have things to do," I said.

"Like? It's a Friday. Don't you usually just go home and watch movies?"

"No. I don't. I only did that because you refused to let me go out without you," I said with a pointed look.

Mark let out a sigh, "right. Sorry. Ok. Well, what are your plans?"

"Mark, we aren't friends. I work for you and you occasionally teach me. That's it. Don't try to make it more than it is."

Mark ran a hand through his head, "I'd ask when you plan on giving me a break but I know I deserve it. I won't bother you for long then but on Sunday I'll need you to accompany me to meet Carter Thompson."

Carter Thompson, his client.

I raised a brow, "you couldn't put that in an email?"

He shrugged, "I like talking to you."

I sighed, "ok. Where?"

He winked, "I'll send it in an email."

I couldn't help it. I rolled my eyes. "Ok. Well if that's all, I need to go."

"If you want, I can pick you up on Sunday. Just send me your address."

"I'll be fine. See you on Sunday," I said, beginning to walk away.

I heard Mark sigh behind me. "Ok. Be safe tonight."

My step faltered a bit. He sounded genuine. Even though being around him was probably less safe than anything I could possibly do tonight. I didn't want to respond. But I couldn't help as the words bubbled out of me. "Thank you. You too."

I could practically feel Mark's answering smile as I walked away. I would have spent more time thinking about it but I had a secret birthday to plan.

Hayden hadn't stayed the night with me last night and I hadn't seen him at all today. He was at lacrosse training right now so I wouldn't see him until later tonight anyway.

He'd asked me if he could come over after training but I'd gotten Zack to make up some dumb reason why he had to stay with them so I could set up my apartment and surprise Hayden later.

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