chapter 46

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Everything hurt.

I pried my eyes open, already feeling the sticky blood on my face.

I forced myself to suck in a few careful breaths but stopped at the sharp pain that seared across my chest. My head was aching and my vision was struggling to adjust. A concussion maybe.

I started with my toes, wiggling them in my heels. I slowly moved up my body, moving each body part until I was sure I could get up. I pushed myself into a sitting position, holding my side as pain made it difficult to move. I was sucking in shallow breaths doing my best to not disturb anything.

Mark's apartment was silent and I didn't think he was here but I still did my best to keep as quiet as possible.

I stood, steadying myself against the wall as my head spun. I felt nauseous but forced myself to focus on moving and breathing.

I found the bathroom easily enough and grabbed a cloth, wetting it with warm water. My face was bruised from where Mark had punched me. My lip was split and blood was leaking from my mouth and nose and a cut on my forehead which I assumed came from one of the rings Mark wore. I didn't even bother checking what my body looked like underneath my clothes.

I dabbed the cloth against my face, doing my best to keep my hands steady even as they shook uncontrollably. My face was aching. My ribs were screaming. My head was pounding.

I managed to get the blood off and stared at myself. I could tell I'd be getting a black eye in a couple days. But for now, my appearance was decent enough not to attract questions.

I gently tugged my hair free, wincing as my ribs ached when I raised my arms. My hair fell around my shoulders and I used to to hide my face a bit better.

It was like all of my old habits and routines had returned the minute Mark's fist connected with me. I barely thought as I slipped out of his apartment, hobbling down the stairs and hailing a taxi, making sure that bruise on my face was hidden from view.

The less questions asked the better.

I went to the hospital. The same one that I always went to. I hadn't needed to go for years now but my memories of the place were fresh in my mind.

I was on autopilot as I left the taxi, walking into the hospital and checking myself in for my injuries. I could see the concern on the doctor's face as he studied me. But like always, I kept my answers vague whenever he asked me how this happened.

When the hospital asked if I wanted to contact anyone I told them no. I didn't want to face anyone like this. Just the thought of their reactions made me feel sick.

The hospital had decided to keep me for a couple days to monitor my injuries. I had two broken ribs, a mild concussion and extensive bruising everywhere. I'd been given pain medication which helped with being able to breathe. There was not much else to do but rest and let myself heal.

I wanted to stay in the hospital for as long as possible but I knew my stay was coming to an end soon.

My phone was non-stop buzzing with messages from everyone. Harley had obviously told all of our friends what had happened. Even Aiden and Ty seemed to know my history with Mark now. I didn't even have the energy to care.

Mark was also spamming me but his texts made fear burn through me. He was mad. He was outright threatening my career. Calling me a slut, whore, bitch, filthy, unworthy. Names he used to call me daily. And they still sparked similar feelings in me. Shame.

I spent as much time in the hospital as I could before I had to be discharged. My ribs were still sensitive but I just had to wait for them to heal.

The nurse gave me one last look of pity as I signed the discharge papers. "Are you sure you're alright honey?"

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