chapter 22

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"Your sister hates me," I groaned, dropping my head back onto the headrest.

Hayden and I were sitting in his car, parked out front of his Long Island mansion, waiting to pick up Cami.

After Wednesday night, I'd spent basically all my time with Hayden, except for when he left to go to the gym. His lacrosse training schedule was a mystery to me, even after he'd tried to explain it. Apparently the game season was from January to May, but January was a preparation month.

According to Hayden, that meant training basically every day. December was filled with one or two practices during the week, but mainly just gym sessions and from June to November it was the off season.

But the coach called random trainings, even during the holidays, to make sure the team was keeping fit. But now the coach had left on a holiday which meant no more training for the time being.

In my opinion, I thought the coach really needed to read up on what 'off season' meant. Because I was pretty sure it meant that training was not required.

But regardless, it meant that I got to spend more time with Hayden.

I'd gone to my psychologist appointment earlier today and I basically spilled my guts over what happened the past few days. As psychologist appointments go, it was a pretty good session for me and I have another one next week.

And now, Hayden and I were picking up Cami to go have a Friday night dinner at Zack's house, at Jenny's invitation.

The only problem was that when I had gone MIA for a few days and ditched my phone, I'd ended up ignoring basically everyone. I'd missed calls from Zack, Aiden and Ty as well as one from my mum and a series of unopened texts. That included Cami's invitation to the party and an invitation to go shopping with her before it.

I'd texted her back multiple times apologising but she hadn't replied even though she'd read the messages.

"No she doesn't," Hayden said, setting his phone down.

"She didn't answer my texts," I frowned.

Hayden rolled his eyes, "she's just being stubborn. I already told her we sorted things out."

"What? Does that mean you told her we got into a fight?"

Hayden had a mildly sheepish look on his face, "I may have mentioned a fight in which you were ignoring me, and that's probably why you weren't answering her either."

I rubbed my face, "oh my god. She hates me."

Hayden laughed, "seriously, she doesn't. She's just being overprotective."

"Yeah, because it looks like I ghosted her brother."

"Well you kind of did," Hayden pointed out.

I glared, "seriously, not helpful. What should I do? I can't believe I've met her once and she already hates me. This better not be a dealbreaker for you."

Hayden laughed and reached over, placing his hand on my thigh and squeezing gently, "she doesn't hate you ok? And since she doesn't you don't need to worry about whether or not it's a dealbreaker."

"You are so not being comforting right now."

Hayden smirked and squinted his eyes, "here she comes."

I tensed and watched as Cami skipped down the front steps and made her way to the car. My leg bounced nervously as a million things to say to her sped through my mind.

Hayden raised a brow at me, "calm down Vi."

"You're not the one that needs to impress the guy they're dating's sibling," I fired back.

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